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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月21日 22:28

这天,阎乐率吏卒千余人来到望夷宫门前。负责守卫望夷宫的卫令仆射(官名)见阎乐率兵前来,忙问何事。阎乐命令手下先将其两手反绑,然后开口骂道:“盗贼已进入宫中,你们为什么不制止?”卫令仆射道:“宫殿四周都有卫队驻扎,日夜巡逻,哪里来的盗贼?”阎乐怒道:“你还敢强辩吗?”说着,顺手一刀,将他杀死。接着,阎乐率军闯入宫中。宫中的宦官、卫士见状大惊。纷纷逃窜。有几个胆大的卫士试图反抗,但因寡不敌众,都被杀死知指。赵成自殿内招呼阎乐,二人同入内殿。赵成命人弯弓搭箭,齐往殿内乱射,一支飞箭穿入秦二世的坐帐。秦二世惊起,急呼左右护驾搭梁配,左右反向外逃去。秦二世转身跑进卧室,回顾身旁,只有一个宦官跟随。秦二世对他说:“你为什么不早告诉我,以至弄到这种地步!”这个宦官回答说:“臣不敢言,才能偷生至今。否则,早已被杀身死了!” 此时,阎乐已冲了进来,指着秦二世破口大骂:“足下荒淫无道,滥杀无辜,天下已共叛足下,请足下速作打算!”秦二世道:“是谁派你来的?”阎乐答出丞相二字。秦二世忙道:“能让我见丞相一面吗?”阎乐道:“渣帆不行!”秦二世又说:“按丞相之意,必是要我退位。我愿得一郡为王,不敢再称皇帝,行吗?”阎乐不许。秦二世又道:“既不许我为王,就作一个万户侯吧。”阎乐仍不许。秦二世呜呜咽咽,苦苦哀求:“请丞相饶我一命,我愿与妻儿同为黔首(百姓。秦代尚黑,百姓以黑巾裹头,故称)。”阎乐怒道:“我奉丞相之命,为天下诛陛下。你多说也没有用,不杀你我没法交差!”说着,挥剑向前,欲杀秦二世。秦二世自知难免,拔剑自杀。


In August, the US will be tens of thousands of people attack Wu Guan, the carcass. High fear II anger, Zhu and body, but does not appear before the disease. II. The dream tiger left Dynasty horse, killed, heart not happy, strange ask oneiromancy. Bo said: " Jing water line. " II is lent to Wang Yi Gong, Jing River water to temple, Shen four white horse. The responsibility for high to thieves. High fear, is the Yin and son-in-law Xianyang Yan Le and brother Zhao Chengmou said: " do not listen to advice. This matter is urgent, want to curse in my. I easy device, more vertical ziyin. Zi Ying, Ren Jian, people are carrying their. " The doctor orders for internal fraud, as a thief, make music called Li soldiers chase, happy mother set high. His music will be official soldier Yuren to hope from the palace gates, who even tied to, said: " the thief into this, why not? " Wei has said: " Zhou Lu set died very sincerely, ande thief dare enter the palace! " The music was chopped Wei, straight into the official, diffraction Lang, Huan.