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66. 他们再也支持不了多久了。67. 由于洪水,价格下降了。68. 法庭调查结果将于下周五公布。69. 他因拒绝服从院长的命令而被解雇了。70. 这些都减价出售,毛病要向顾客指明
被浏览: 0次 2023年05月18日 16:57

66. they cant support(hold on)any longer.
67. because of flood(flooding), the price went down.
68. The court invistigation result will be published next Friday.
69.Becuase he refuse to follow the Department Head's order, he got fired.
70. All these goes on sale, point out the defects to the customers.


They couldn't hold on any more.
The price fell down because of the flood.
The result of the investigaion of the court will be announced next Friday.
He was dismissed because he refused to obey the president's order.
These goods were sold at sale,and the advantages of them should be told to customers.


66.They could not hold on anymore.
67.The price has been on the decrease due to the flood.
68.The investigation result of the court will be announced on next Friday.
69.He was fired because he refused to obey the dean's order.
70.These are on sale and customers should be informed of the defect.


66.They can not endure much longer.
67.Because of the flood, prices fell.
68.The court investigation results will be announced next Friday.
69.He refused to obey the command was fired.
70.These are sold at reduced prices, to the customer specified.


They can't keep any more.
Due to deluge, the price is down.
The investigaion result of court will be declared next Friday.
He was fired because of disobeying his president.
All these will be sold at deduced price, of course, you should show where their flaw is to customer.