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被浏览: 0次 2023年06月01日 07:14


We will also strengthen the management of precursor chemicals, improve the management system of enterprise internal and implement special people for management to prevent the precursor chemicals diverting into illegal channels from our enterprise; accepting supervision and management consciously. If there is a breach of the above commitment, the enterprise (and myself) is willing to accept punishment.



we will strengthen the management of precursor chemicals,complete internal control system ,implement specialized management ,prevent our precursor chemicals from going to illegal channels and accept the supervision management couciously.We shall bear any punishments if any violations of the comittments made above.


We will also strengthen the management of precursor chemicals to improve the internal management system and implement staff management, to prevent our precursor chemicals into illicit channels. Consciously accept the supervision and management. Any violation of the above commitments, our orgnization (include myself) voluntarily accept the punishment.


Wir werden auchStärkung des Managementsvon Vorprodukten, die interneManagement-System,die Umsetzung vonPersonal-Management, die Verbesserungzu meiner Einheitvon Vorproduktenin illegale Kanälezu verhindern;bewusstakzeptieren dieÜberwachung und Verwaltung.Jeder Verstoß gegen dieoben genannten Verpflichtungen,meine Einheitund ichfreiwillig akzeptierenStrafe




Similarly we will strengthen controlling precursor chemicals, perfect management system inside enterprise, use special persons for the management, provent precursor chemicals from going into ilegal channels; consciously accept supervision and administration. If above commitments are violated, our enterprise (myself) will voluntarily accept punishment.