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请大家把这几句话 翻译成英语啊 翻译对了 加分啊 1.你的冷漠让我心碎2.喜欢你,可惜..你已经不属于我3.原来...你的爱是施舍给我的4.曾经,现在.未来....只是一瞬间的抉择
被浏览: 0次 2023年05月11日 12:46

1. Your coldness breaks my heart.
2. I love you, but you do not belong to me.
3. I see...you give me your love as donation.
4. The choice of the past, present and the future is momentary.


2love you but it is a pity that you did not belong to me.


1.Your indifferent breaks my heart.
2.Loving you, but pitily you don't belongs to me anymore.
3.It turns out that your love to me is just for charity.
4.The history, present and future can be decided by only one moment.