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Module 1
Unit 1
1. Can you hear me?你听到我说话吗?
2. Where are you?你在哪里?
3. stand on the Great Wall of China 站在中国的长城上宏迟
4. talk to /with sb跟某人讲话
5. be on a school trip正在校游
6. have a good /great /nice time
=enjoy oneself/play happily度过快乐时光
7. that's great那太好了
8. What are the others doing?其他人在干什么?
9. eat an ice cream/hamburgers/hot dogs吃一个冰淇淋/汉堡/热狗
10. take pictures/photos拍照
11. lots of/a lot of/many/much许多
12. buy some presents and postcards买一些礼物和照片
buy sth.for sb 为某人买某物
13. eat lunch/supper/breakfast
=have lunch/supper/dinner/ breakfast吃午饭/晚饭/早餐
14. lie in the sun躺在阳光里
15. send sb.sth./send sth.to sb给某人某物
16. enjoy the school trip a lot/very much很享受校游
17. shop for sth.for sb给。。。。买
go shopping/do some shopping 去买东西
Unit 2
1. at this/the moment在这时
2. in different places of the world在世界不同的地方
3. do different things干不同的事
4. leave work and go home
=go home after work下班回家
5. wait for。。。等候。。。
6. run for trains追火车
7. drive a car/ bus开车/公共汽车
8. have afternoon tea喝下午茶
9. be at home =be in home在家里
10. have a drink喝酒
11. have dinner at home在家吃晚饭
12. have dinner in the restaurant在饭馆吃晚饭
13. go to the opera去歌剧院
14. watch a ballet看芭蕾舞
15. watch television看电视
16. play games 玩游戏
17. go to bed上床
go to sleep/get to sleep准备睡觉
fell asleep/be asleep睡着了
18. get up 起床
19. get dressed穿衣服
20. start the lessons开始上课
21. It’s midday正在轮乱中午
22. drink coffee /coke喝咖啡腊绝档/可乐
23. see/visit sb看望某人
24.call home /sb/ ring sb up
24. greetings from sb.某人的问候
25. thank you for。。。
thanks for。。。谢谢
26. visit my friends in Hollywood在好莱坞拜访我的朋友
27. in front of ……..在前面
in the front of 在前部
28. write sth to sb
write a letter to sb
write to sb给某人写信
29. look at the homes of the film stars
look at the film stars’ homes看电影明星的家
1.What are you doing?你正在做什么
2. visit the Forbidden City参观紫禁城
3.listen to the guide听导游介绍
4.see you later 一会见
5.play football/basketball踢足球/打篮球
6.call on the phone打电话
7.buy presents for my parents为父母买礼物
8.have a drink in a pub在酒吧里喝酒
9.good night晚安
10.go to .....by bus/train乘坐公共汽车/火车去...
Take a bus /train to.....
Module 2
Unit 1
1.What’s happening?发生了生么事
2.something happen to sb.某人出了什么事
3.get ready for/be ready for..为什么做好准备
get ...ready 准备好。。。。。。
4.learn dragon dance学舞龙
5.make lanterns做灯笼
6.clean the house打扫屋子
7.help sb. do sth/help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事
8.sweep the floor扫地
9.cook the meal做饭
10.be at work/be working在班上/上班

Unit 2
1. have lots of traditions有许多传统
2. sweep away bad luck扫走厄运
3. paint doors and windows red将门窗涂成红色
4. it means good luck它意味着好运
5. decorate sth. with paper cuts用剪纸装饰……
6. have a hair cut剪头
7. give sb. New Year presents给某人生日礼物
8. on New Year’s Day在新年那天
9. at Spring Festival在春节
10. on Spring Festival’s Eve在除夕之夜
11. on Christmas Day在圣诞节
12. put on our new clothes穿上我们的新衣服
13. visit our family and friends/see our family and friends拜访家人与朋友
14. there is dragon and lion dancing有一个舞龙和舞狮的表演
15. dumpling饺子
16. rice dumpling元宵
17. at midnight在午夜
18. set(let) off fireworks放鞭炮
19. for a few days持续几天
20. have lots of food for good luck吃许多意味着好运的食物
21. at Lantern Festival在元宵节
22. after two weeks两周后
23. a kind of一种
24. ...called/named被称作…..
25. bring sb. good luck给某人带来好运
26. all the year round一年到头
27. go shopping for sth.为某人买…..
28. eat Christmas pudding吃圣诞布丁
29. put ..next to...把…放在….旁边
30. on the Christmas tree在圣诞树上
31. sing Christmas songs唱圣诞歌
32. have Christmas dinner吃圣诞大餐
33. say...to sb.对某人说…….
Unit 3
1. be the most important festival最重要的节日
2. in the western country在西方国家
3. celebrate the birth of庆祝…..的生日
4. be interested in/be more/the most interested in...对..感兴趣/更感兴趣/最感兴趣
5. Father Christmas圣诞老人
6. a fat man with a long white beard有着白色长胡子的胖男人
7. wear a red suit穿着红衣服
8. give sth. to sb./give sb.sth.给某人某物
9. love sb. very much很爱某人
10. What are you and your family doing for Spring Fsetival at the moment?你和你的家人正在为春节做什么准备?
Module 3
Unit 1
1 at the weekend在周末
2.onMonday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday/morning/ afternoon/evening
3. check my email检查我的电子邮件
4. do my homework做我的作业
5. in the morning/afternoon/evening在早晨/下午/晚上
6. have a piano lesson上一堂钢琴课
7. go to a party at a friend’s home在朋友家聚会
8. listen to some music听音乐
9. would like/love to do sth.喜欢做某事
10.That’s a great idea!好主意!
11.stay in bed/lie in/on bed躺在床上
12.revise for my test复习我的功课
13.What about…/How about…...怎么样?
14.get up early/late早起/晚起
15.play table tennis with sb.与某人打乒乓球
16.meet sb. in the park在公园里和某人见面
17.have a picnic去野餐
18.buy some clothes买衣服
19.dance to music跟着音乐跳舞
20.go to…by bus/car/train/bike/air/plane/sea/ship乘公共汽车/汽车/火车/自行车/飞机/船
Unit 2
1. What are you looking forward to doing? 你正期盼着做什么?
2. look forward to doing sth./n. 期盼着做…
3. pay attention to do/n. 注意…
4. visit my daughter and granddaughter in China访问我在中国的女儿和孙女
5. It is my granddaughter’s birthday/the birthday of my granddaughter 是我外孙女的生日
6. take the plane to +place=go to some place by plane乘飞机去…….
7.do some sightseeing/go sightseeing观光….
8.like Chinese /foreign culture喜欢中/外国文化
9.visit the Forbidden City参观故宫
10.walk up on the Great Wall=climb up the Great Wall在长城上走
11.go to Disneyland with.....与…..去迪斯尼乐园
12.learn English=study English学英语
13.make friends with sb和某人交朋友
14.lie on the beach躺在沙滩上
15.enjoy the sun and sea享受阳光和海
16.stay in a hotel 呆在旅馆里
17.at Dragon Boat Festival在端午节
18.like swimming/like to swimming喜欢游泳
19.enjoy my mother’s rice dumplings, zongzi 享受我妈妈包的粽子
20.a very good cook一个好厨师
Unit 3
1. go cycling骑自行车
2. go swimming游泳
3. play computer games玩电脑游戏
4. from…to…从…到…
5. travel around the world环球旅行
6. cross the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean穿越太平洋和大西洋
7. use the engine用引擎
8. sail all the way全程漂流
9. like football and music喜欢足球和音乐
10. like cooking Sunday lunch for sb. 喜欢给某人做周日的午餐
11. listen to CDs 听CDs
12. have got a new CD of my favourite singer有一张我最喜欢的歌手的新唱片
13. go out外出
14. play basketball/football/table tennis玩篮球/踢足球/打乒乓球
Module 4
Unit 1
1. there will be a computer on every desk in the future将有每台桌子上都有一台电脑
2. Will there be schools in the future?将来会有学校吗?
3. No one will use paper, pencils and pens没有人会用纸、铅笔、钢笔
4. They won’t use paper, pencils and pens他们不会用纸、铅笔、钢笔
5. study at home在家学习
6. use a dictionary to learn/study English用字典学英语
7. I don’t use a calculator我不用计算器
8. Everyone uses a pen每个人都用钢笔
9. use the Internet用因特网
10. send sth. to sb. by email用电子邮件给某人发送某物
11. talk to/with sb.on the computer在电脑上与某人交谈
12. I’m not sure我不确定
13. in/at school在学校
14. write sth. on the blackboard with chalk用粉笔在黑板上写字
Unit 2
1. be very large/small很大/小
2. be very cheap/expensive很贵/便宜
3. have a small/big car有大/小车
4. all year/all the year round/the whole year一年到头
5. get warm/cold/hot/cool变暖/冷/热/凉爽
6. at the North Pole在北极
7. be very rough/smooth很汹涌/平坦
8. in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天
9. heavy rain大雨
10. strong winds/rough sea大风/汹涌的大海
11. be very comfortable/uncomfortable很舒服/不舒服
12. use the sun to heat our homes用太阳为我们的家加温
13. lots of hot water很多热水
14. be very light/heavy很轻/重
15. do many things on the Internet在网上做很多事
16. do the dull/interesting jobs干无聊的/有趣的工作
17. on farms/in factories/in offices在农场/工厂/办公室
18. do heavy work干重活
19. work three days a week一周工作三天
20. have free time有空闲时间
21. have long holidays有长的假期
Unit 3
1. Our comfortable homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer我们舒适的家将会冬暖夏凉
2. There will be winds in spring and autumn春天和秋天将会有大风
3. Flying in planes will be cheap乘飞机飞行将会很便宜
4. Machines will do heavy work in factories机器将会在工厂里干重活
5. bad weather坏天气
6. expensive fuel贵的燃料
7. hot summer很热的夏天
8. warm winter温暖的冬天
9. life in the future未来的生活
10. care for children/look after children/take care of children照看孩子

Module 5
Unit 1
1.East/South/West/North China 中国东部/南部/西部/北部
2.The Bund 上海外滩
3.Victoria Peak维多利亚山峰
4.Can you answer some questions for my homework , please? 请问你能回答一些我的家庭作业的问题吗?
5.What’s the population of Shanghai? 上海的人口是多少?
Shanghai has(It has about) 13 million people.上海有大约一千三百万人
6.Hong Kong is bigger than Shanghai. 香港比上海大。
7.seven hundred years old 七百年历史
8.an old/small/big city一座老/小/大城市
9.1.5 kilometres long1.5 公里长
10.554 metres high 554米高
11.13 million people 13万人

Unit 2
1.in the east/south/west/north of…在东方/南方/西方/北方
2.my hometown and my country我的家乡和我的祖国
3.be from/come from来自
4.on the River Cam/Thames在凯姆河/泰晤士河上
5.lots of old buildings and churches许多旧大楼和教堂
6.be famous for…因…而著名
7.be the capital of… …的首都
8. be the capital of…with seven million people …的首都有七百万人
9.The river is 336 kilometres long这条河336公里长
sth is+数词+metres(kilometres)+adj.
10.The mountain are about 1000 metres high山是大约1000米高
11.near the sea 在海边
12.o n the east/south/west/north coast of… 在东/南/西/北海岸
13.be a region of … 是…的一个地区
14.What’s the population of...? ...的人口是多少?
What’s it famous for? 它因何而著名?
What’s the weather like?=How is the weather? 天气如何?
1. Dalian is smaller than Shanghai. 大连比上海小.
2. Is Chang Jiang wider than the River Thames? 长江比泰晤士河宽吗?
3. The UK isn’t bigger than China. 英国没有中国大.
4. important cities 重要城市.
5. on the east coast of…… 在…的东海洋线上.
6. be the capital of…… 是…的首都.
7. a busy city 一个忙碌的城市.
8. The buildings in New York are taller than the buildings in WashingtonD.C 纽约的大楼比华盛顿的大楼高.
Modul 6
Unit 1
1. make a sports poster 做一张体育明信片.
2. Cycling is more dangerous than swimming 骑自行车比游泳更危险.
3. be good at…=do well in… 擅长于…
4. Table tennis is more popular than gymnastics. 乒乓球比体操更流行.
5. I think it’s more exciting than table tennis. 我觉得它比乒乓球更令人激动。
6. What Olympic sports do you like? 你喜欢什么奥林匹克运动?
7. Running is more boning than basketball. 跑步比篮球更枯燥.
8. Cycling is more relaxing than running . 骑车比跑步更让人放松.
9. Skiing is more dangerous than football. 滑雪比足球更危险.
10. Running is cheaper than Gymnastics. 跑步比体操更便宜.
11. too/ also/ as well. 也…
12.Chinese people are good at table tennis, too. Chinese people are also good at table tennis.
Chinese people are good at table tennis as well. 中国人也很擅长乒乓球
Unit 2
1. English for the Olympic Games. 为奥运学英语.
2. a stadium in Beijing. 北京的一个体育馆.
3. an English class in Dongsi,Beijing. 一个北京东四的英语班.
4. on Saturday morning. 在周六上午.
5. Dongsi Neighbourhood Committee in Beijing. 北京东四居委会.
6. leave for school=go to school. 去学校.
7. have an English class/lesson. 上英语课.
8. start at 9:30 am 在9:30开始.
9. on every Saturday. 每周六.
10. lots of people/many people/a lot of people. .许多人.
11. in the classroom. 在教室里
12. sb.from… 从…来.
13. get there early
arrive there early/late 到达这里很早/很晚.
reach there ealy/late
get to…/arrive in/at…/reach… 到达…
14. sit in front of the blackboard 在黑板前坐着.
in front of… 在…的前面.
in the front of… 在…的前部.
15. sit behind the other students. 在其他学生后面坐着.
16. at the back. 在后面.
17. It′s+adj.+to do sth. (对某人来说)做…很…
It′s+adj.+for sb.to do sth.
18. speak slowly/loudly/guickly/clearly to sb. 对某人慢慢地/大声地(快地)清楚地说.
19. more than=over. 比…多.
20. lost of/a lost of/many visitors 许多游客.
21. need to do sth. (实义动词) 需要做某事
Do sth.(情态动词)
Doing sth. 需要被做.
22.speak English well 好地说英语.
badly 不好地说英语.
carelessly 马虎地说英语.
23.I want to learn English better than young people. 我想比年轻人学英语学得更好.
24.work hard. 努力工作.
25.take sb around… 带领某人参观…
26.carry sth.in… 把…运到…里.
27.check the vocabulary carefully at home. 在家仔细地检查词汇.
28.listen to sth/hear sth. 听/听见…
29.These popular lessons will continue until 2008.这些流行课程将会持续到2008年
until…/not…until… 直到/直到…才.
They are waiting for the bay until eight o′clock. 他们等那个男孩直到8点.
They don′t leave school until there o′clock. 他们直到3点才离开学校.
30. listen to one′s lessons. 听某人的课.

Unit 3
1. play the CDs louelly. 大声地听CD机.
2. piay the piano badly. 糟糕地弹钢琴.
3. work hard to do sth. 努力做
Learn English. 努力学英语.
4. speak English well. 很好地说英语.
5. get up early. 早起.
6. work quickly and quietly 快速又安静地工作.
7. be late to do sth. 做…迟到了.
For +n. 因为…迟到了.
8.What′s your favourite Olympic sport? 你最喜欢的奥林匹克运动是什么?
My favourite Olympic sport is… 我喜欢的奥林匹克运动是…
9.dangerous/popular/ Olympic sport 危险的/流行的/奥运的 运动
10. Yudo is more dangerous than hockey 柔道比曲棍球更危险。
11.Hockey is more exciting than rowing. 曲棍球比划船更令人激动.
12.Rowing is more tiring than judo. 划船比柔道更累人.


背背.单词 课文 背下来 , 在理解 语法 音标也要背.背的同时意思要理解

