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求大神帮忙翻译一下,3Q 急需 啊!!!

被浏览: 0次 2023年08月14日 14:24


Objective:Research the various effects of alcohol on the kidney of mice。
各种影响:Various effects(在英文中用这个表达更贴切)
小鼠的肾脏:kidney of mice

对比观察小鼠肾脏的石蜡切片和冰冻切片:Comparative observation the paraffin and frozen sections
因此,第二句应该是:Comparative observation the paraffin and frozen sections of alcoholism mice and normal mice's kidney。


Objective: To study the various aspects of the experimental mice kidney alcohol effects. The wine pouring mice and normal mice kidney paraffin sections and frozen sections of the observation, comparative analysis the change of its structure, the effects of alcohol on mouse kidney. Based on the analysis of observed and renal biopsy fuddled mice in normal mice, the consistency that: kidney tissue of alcohol on mice in the glomerular, tubular structure will have damage effect.


The study of alcohol affect all aspects of the experimental mouse kidney. Mice and normal mice kidneys alcoholism observation of paraffin and frozen sections, comparative analysis of the changes in its organizational structure, draw the impact of alcohol on the mouse kidney. According to the observation and analysis of normal mice and alcoholism mouse kidney slices, consistency be drawn: the role of alcohol a glomerular and tubular structure of the kidney tissue of mice have some damage.看看纯拿能裂好不能符合你的要求,肆裤铅满意的话采纳一下