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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月27日 22:55

Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble __finding the way to the history museum__ (找到去历史博物馆的路).

__In order to earn money for my schooling__(为了挣钱供我上学), Mother often takes on more work than is good for her

The professor required that __we hand in the research reports__ (我们交研究报告)by Wednesday

The more you explain, __the more confused I am__ (我愈糊涂).

Though a skilled worker, __he was fired by the company__ (他被公司枝乱虚解雇了)last week because of theeconomic crisis.

The finding of this study failed to __take people's sleeping quality into consideration__(将人们的睡眠质量考虑在陪逗内).

The prevention and treatment of AIDS is __the field where we can cooperate __(我们可以合作的领域).

Because of the leginjury, the athlete __decides to quit the match__ (决定退出比赛).
To make donations or for moreinformation, please __contact us according to the following address__ (按以下地址和我们联系).

Please come here at ten tomorrow morning __if it'猛燃s convenient for you__ (如果你方便的话).



fingding the way to the history museum
In order to earn money for supporting my education
we hand in the research report
the more I feel muddle up
he was fired by company
consider people's sleeping quality
a field/an area we can cooperate
decides to withdraw from the competition
contact with us at the following address
if it's convenient to you



1. in finding the way to the history museum
2.In order to afford my studying fee
3. we submit research reports
4. the more I got confused
5. he was fired
6. take sleep quality of human-being into consideration
7. the field within our capacity of cooperations
8.decided to quit the match
9.contact us as the following address
10.if you are convinient


  1. the way to the history museum

  2. In order to earn money for my study in the school

  3. we hand in the research report

  4. I 搭蠢am more confused

  5. he was 棚芦fired by the company

  6. take people's sleep 知和陪quality into consideration

  7. the field where we can work together

  8. decided to give up the game

  9. contact us according to the following address

  10. if it's convenient for you


finding the way to the history museum
to earn more money for my schooling
we should hand in our research reports
the more confused i become
he was dismissed
take people's sleeping quality into consideration
the realm we can cooperate with each other
decides to drop out the match
contact with us by the following adress
if it suits your convenience