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求关于节目的英语作文 最好是介绍快乐大本营 各位英语高手帮帮忙!!!!

被浏览: 0次 2023年06月13日 09:40

 "Happy Camp" is the Hunan TV station in the July 11, 1997 stalls offered a variety of entertainment programmes, the fixed every Saturday night prime-time broadcast Hunan Satellite TV, Hunan TV is on the Star has been one of the programmes to maintain the brand . Moderator run columns from the beginning of the development of the two today the auspices of the initiative group, Dr Jiong, Liweijia, XIE, Duhaichao, Wu Hsin-five-member "happy family" partner chair. (Which Weijia Wu Hsin-like brother and sister and two oh)

  "Happy Camp" columns run broadcast three, four, which has caused repercussions in the audience, the national television market quickly occupy the prime-time weekend, and then won the 1998 Star Award and the 16th session of China'亮前s TV Golden Eagle Award. "Happy Camp" phenomenon at the time by experts, the media referred to as the "Happy Tornado," while a national television caused a "variety revolution", shortly throughout the country have broadcast nearly 100 stalls similar columns.

  "滑余Happy Camp" columns run since the fresh theme, a variety of forms, clean style, novelty, focus on knowledge, and interest and participation, leading the audience to a new audio-visual space. Existing art constant "Happy fax," thrills "FireWire impact" form of novel, the classic loved by the audience part of the game there are also people added the "Happy Little Stars," "Kaixinyike" all ages, rich in content of the film at the same time also challenges the wisdom of the "IQ Unlimited", and positive "Solar Project" and help the audience realize aspirations of the "fun" audience interaction, the strong sense of participation programming block. "Happy Camp", Hunan Satellite TV is not only on Star has been maintained by the brand program, but also become the country'敬让清s most influential entertainment one. Many Guanghuangmozhang nine years of shining star guests "Happy Camp." Andy Lau, Leon Lai, Jay, King, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, 5566, the flywheel Celtis sinensis, Li Yuchun, Zhang Jie, such as the internationally renowned artist had been boarded red "Happy Camp" stage, They are leaving the city.

  Starting in 2004, the column began to establish a short-term activities highlight to the general audience for the program revision protagonist direction, watering down "variety" star routine, and gradually try to "sea", "reality show" and "the scene PK" such as "pan-entertainment" of the new concept. Since 2006, "Happy Camp", the theme of innovative new shows, focusing on the "universal entertainment" in the new concept for the general audience, or grass-roots groups, creating a combination of personality show a "national entertainment" platform and share happy opportunities, but also has done its best to promote the TV audience fashion, the novel form of theatrical performances, transmission "Happy first" spirit of the entertainment, and to highlight the main audience for the "entertainment world" programming purposes.

  CCTV Suofurui companies under investigation, "Happy Camp", the large number of younger viewers, viewers under the age of 24 the proportion is 36 per cent, while the radiation various groups, the proportion of 45-year-old above more than 28 percent. Proportion of female viewers in the channel program ranked one to 60 per cent. 2006 new revision advocacy of "universal entertainment," "Happy Camp" in Taiwan running the column CSM14 audience of top ranked No. 1, continued strong ratings.
  QQ space of a happy home Address: http://kldby.qzone.qq.com/ from 1997 to the surprise of the audience "Happy Tornado" the beginning of the current shows on the screen blossom everywhere, the colorful, nine years, "Happy Camp "is not only China's TV variety entertainment industry leader, and has deservedly become China's hundreds of millions of viewers entertainment part of their lives. 2005 "Happy Camp" was "the new magazine" 15 to China as the most influential one of the television programmes.

  Broadcast time and channel: Hunan Satellite TV every Saturday at 20:30





  从2004年开始,栏目开始确立以阶段性活动为亮点,以普通观众为主角的节目改版方向,淡化“大综艺”的明星套路, 逐步尝试“海选”、“真人秀”、“现场PK”等“泛娱乐化”的新概念。2006年以来,《快乐大本营》全新创意的主题性综艺节目,突出了“全民娱乐”的新概念,为普通观众或草根团体、组合打造了一个展现个性的“全民娱乐”平台和分享快乐的机会,同时也极力为电视机前的观众推介时尚、新奇的文艺表演形式,传递“快乐至上”的娱乐精神,突出了以观众为主体的“娱乐天下”的节目宗旨。

  附快乐大本营QQ空间地址:http://kldby.qzone.qq.com/ 从1997年令全国观众刮目相看的“快乐旋风”开始到目前全国综艺节目在荧屏上遍地开花、异彩纷呈,九年来,《快乐大本营》不仅是中国电视界综艺娱乐节目的领头羊,并且已经当之无愧成为中国亿万观众娱乐生活的一部分。 2005年《快乐大本营》被《新周刊》评为15年来中国最有影响力的电视节目之一。
