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被浏览: 0次 2023年10月13日 07:46

当我13岁的时候,我第一次得识玛丽·理查兹(Mary Richards),她是情景喜剧《玛丽·泰勒摩尔》中的主角。她是一名单身而独立的职业女性。当我听到这个节目的主题曲《谁能用她的微笑启动这世界?》时,我就被迷住了。我的朋友也是她的铁粉丝。在学校的走廊里,我们会试图模仿玛丽的语气来互相呼喊。 「嗨,Rho!小子,待会再见。」这个节目持续播了七年,但是我们早已不再追捧。但咐岁袭是这并不代表玛丽从此就在我生命中消失。 20世纪90年衡兄代,当时我是单身,独居在一个城市,电视开始在晚上10点重播《玛丽·泰勒摩尔》。我再次被迷住了。但这一次不同。她处理事业和人际关系的方式对我发出明确的信息——30多岁单身也挺好的,这令我有更深层次的敬重。




Keep Running into Mary Richards

When I was 13, I first met Mary Richards, the central character in the sitcom (situation comedy) "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". She was a single and independent career woman. As soon as I heard the show's theme song "Who can turn the world on with her smile?", I was hooked. My friends were huge fans as well. Passing in the hallway at school, we would shout to each other, trying to imitate Mary's accent. “Hi, Rho! See ya later, kid?” The show lasted seven years, but our fascination faded earlier. But that wasn't the end of Mary for me. In the 1990s, when I was single, living alone in a city, a TV-station began airing reruns of "The Mary. Tyler Moore Show" at 10 p.m. I was hooked all over again. But this time was different. The way she handled her career and relationships, sending a clear message that being 30-plus and single was just fine, won my respect on a whole new level.

Once again, however, life moved on. I went to live in a different city, and 10 p.m. became the perfect time to call my mother each night. For me, talking to Mom was always a great pleasure. So when my mom passed away, it was as if the sun had gone out of the sky. That feeling seemed particularly intense at 10 p.m., when I'd find myself staring at my silent phone. And then I heard the song I'd first heard at age 13, "Who can turn the world on with her smile?" Mary Richards, of course! Thanks to the wonder of technology, Mary was now as close as my phone. So every night at 10, I would dial up an episode of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Weeks later, I realized I didn't need my nightly sessions with Mary anymore, because mom's and Mary's elegance was showing itself in other corners of my life and, once again, I was ready to move on.







