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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月21日 14:59

Today is a special day,because it's the first holiday which we spend it together.I hope we can spend it together in such fesitivals.I hope we can get together till the end——From the time what you promise to you.
Maybe sometimes I talk without thinking what you think——But please trust it that I really care about you,I love you.(Though it's the first time to say to you,it's what I want to say usually)
Love'歼亮薯键枯s heart does never end.
Happy Valentine's Day!


today is special,because this is the first Valentine's Day you and me spent together.i wish we come together in this day and will be hand in hand from the time we promise to the ends of our lives,and never get seperated.
sometimes i may speak without considering your thoughts at all,but please trust me that i do care about you, and i do love you(it`s the first time i say this to you,but it is the one in my heart waiting to be expressed to you all the time).
my heart of loving you will beat forever.
Happy Valentine's Day,my love~


Today is very special, because this is the first you my holiday, I hope this festival you and I together from the promise that moment will be together till the end of life, did not break out. Sometimes I may talk did not fully consider your feelings, but please believe me this is because I care about you, love you ( although the word first and you say, but my heart has been the most want to give you the expression ). Love your heart doesn't stop. Happy Valentine's Day!


Today is a special day for you and me - the first time for both of us to mark this event. I hope we can hold our hands tight from now till the eternal.

At times, my expression may hurt your feeling, but you ought to belive me that I heartiest feeling about you. Love - though it is the first time I said to you and it is the word in which I have been striving to say it !

My loving heart is never stopped

Happy Valentine


Today is very special, because this is the first you my holiday, I hope this festival you and I together from the promise that moment will be together till the end of life, did not break out. Sometimes I may talk did not fully consider your feelings, but please believe me this is because I care about you, love you ( although the word first and you say, but my heart has been the most want to give you the expression ). Love your heart doesn't stop. Happy Valentine'茄链s Day!
法语:Aujourd'hui, c'est très spécial, car il s'颤猜孙agit de la première vous mes vacances, j'espère que cette saison des fêtes vous de prometteuse avec moi vont travailler ensemble main dans la main à la fin de vie, n'a pas éclaté. J'ai parler parfois ne peut pas prendre en considération exactement comment vous sentirez, mais s'il vous plaît croyez-moi que c'est parce que je tiens à toi, je t'aime (bien que la première fois, vous dites le mot, mais mon cœur a toujours été plus envie de vous exprimer). Amour que n'a pas cessé de votre cœur. Valentine heureux !
Heuteist etwas ganz Besonderes, denn dies istdas erste Festival, und ich hoffe, dass dieses Festivalmit Ihnen, und ich versprach, dassMomentarbeiten zusammen, umbis zum Endedes Lebens kommen, nichtaus, umlöschtegewesen.Ichkann manchmalsprechenicht vollständigberücksichtigt, wiefühlen Sie sichzu nehmen,aber wirmüssen Siebitten, mir zuglauben, dass dies, weil ich überSie kümmernliebe dich(das Wortzum ersten Malund du hast gesagt, aber mein Herzwar schon immerdie meisten wolleneuch sagen,'s).Liebedein Herznicht zu stoppen.Happy Valentinstag!

俄兆答语:Сегодня оченьособенный,потому что этопервый фестиваль, и я надеюсь, что этот фестивальс вами, ия обещал, чтомомент будетработать вместе, чтобыприйти кконцу жизни, небыл выключен, чтобыпотушить.Яиногдаговорю нев полной мере учитываюткак вы себя чувствуете, номы должны просить васповерить мне,это потому, чтоя забочусь о тебе, люблю тебя(словов первый раз, и ты сказал, но мое сердцевсегда былобольше всего хотимвыразить Вам'ы).Любовьваше сердце неостановится.С ДнемСвятого Валентина!