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被浏览: 0次 2023年06月17日 03:53

Last Monday we held an activity about saving and protecting water. We invited Mr. Wang to give the students a lecture about water and human. Then we discussed about how to protect and save water. After the activity, we all realised the seriousness of water pollution in China. And though there are rivers and lakes in our city, we still face the problem of water shortage. So I hope everyone of the students start to saving water by using less water when washing hands.


after attending this presetation which was given by Mis/Mr Wang, we realized that some part of our country was polluted heavily. although there was rivers and lakes around our city, there was still needs for drinking water. therefore, we should take actions to save and protect water, such as recycling waste water.


我刚刚高中毕业,盯物蠢外语专业,个人觉得这个太简单了,都不想写,建议是,多用 固定搭配,定语从句,which句型很容易套用,还有,状语从句凯陪,夹杂各种句型,要有变化,结尾的时候,再用个 强调句,老师就会觉得你很有水平,蚂喊此外,不要犯低级错误,低级错误一多,句型再繁杂也无济于事。孩子,加油奋斗吧,作文还是要自己写,高中英语太简单了,唉。

