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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月14日 17:19

1:我想在周末好好放裂埋此松一下(take it easy)
I would like to take it easy this weekend.

2:地球是由七大洲四大洋组成的(contment occean)
The Earth is made up from 7 continents and 4 oceans.

3:把唐诗翻译成英语很难(it is difficult)
It is very difficult to translate the poems of the Tang Dynasty into English.

Staying up late is bad for health.

His hometown has transform from a tiny viilage into a tourist hotspot.

6:我主动提出粉刷这个房子以换取一个星期的食宿(in change for)
I offered to paint the house in exchange for one week's boarding.

【食宿 是: boarding 寄宿学校是: boarding school】



1.我想在周末好好耐余放松一下 Take it easy, I want to relax during the weekend.

2:地球是由七大洲四大洋组成的 The Earth contains seven continents and four oceans.
3:把唐诗翻译成英语很难帆亩肆 It is difficult to translate the Tang poems into English.

4:晚上熬夜很晚队身体有害 It is harmful to health if you work very late over night.

5:他的家乡由有关小山村变成了旅游景点 His home town's mountains have been transformed into a tourist spot.

6:我主动提出粉刷这个房子以换取一个星期的态轿食宿 I take the initiative to renovate the house in change for a week's lodging.


1.I want to take it easy at the weekend.
2.The earth consists of seven continents and
four oceans
3.It's difficult to translate the Tang Poetry into English.
4.Staying up late does great harm to our health.
5.His hometown has been transformed form a small village into a tourist attractions.
6.I offered to paint the house in change for one-week


1:我哪颂想在周末好好放松一下(take it easy)
I would like to take it easy on weekends.

2:地球是由七大含缓族洲四大洋组成的(continent occean)
The Earth consists of seven continents and four oceans.

3:把唐诗翻译成英语很难(it is difficult)
It is difficult to translate the Tang poetries into English.

Spending late nights regularly is harmful to health.

His hometown has transformed from a small mountain village into a tourist spot.

6:我主动提出谈弊粉刷这个房子以换取一个星期的食宿(in change for)
I volunteer to paint the house in change for one week's food and lodging.
(建议您用 in exchange for)



1. I'd like to relax myself on weekends.
2. The earth consists of seven contnents and four occeans.
3. It is very difficult to translate the poems of Tang dynasty into English.
4. It is bad for our health to stay up late.