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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月11日 22:43

Mitt Romney
If he will be elected,he will renew the highest ethical and moral standard of. Republican Party.
Well,his excellent ability of management helped him a lot.
His successful experience in business impressed the voters deeply.
Mr Romney used his extraodinary "Way of Bain" to increase the the company's assets from 30 million to 9 billion dollars.
In his autobiography 尺正,he recorded clearly about how he saved the sharky business companies several times.

One more thing I like about him was happened in 2002. At that time,he was the chairman of Olympic Winter Games in 2002,while China was preparing for the Olympic bid,he was against China because of the disagree of human rights' issues.

全手工翻译 个别地方存在语法错误
有一点很纳闷物喊的是 最后一句你打错了么




If elected, he'll recover Republican's highest standards in ethics and morality. Exellent management ability adds to his credit, too. Romney's successful story in business circle has left deep impression among voters. Via his unique Bain Pattern, he managed to make the company's assets grow from $ 30 million as a merely startup, to $ 9 billion. His autobiography Diversion markedly tells brilliant stories about him in business circle: for many times, Romney was entrusted with a mission at a critical and difficult moment, made up the deficits and get surpluses for companies being on the verge of bankrupcy.

Another thing I like about him is that, when he assumed the president of 2002 Olympic Winter Games, China was bidding for 2008 Olympic Summer Games. He stated that he objects taking human rights as a reason to prevent China from hosting Olympic Games.


好多啊 你要是有英语基础的话 就用谷歌翻译一下 然后自己改一改


Mr Romney
If elected, will be heavy tree "republican in ethics and moral highest standard". Good management ability for Mr Romney add cent many. Mr Romney in business success experience to voters with deep impression. He relied on the unique "bain mode", will be the company's assets from when the venture value $30 million to $9 billion. In his autobiography "steering", Mr Romney to his dangerous times was ordered to, will be on the verge of collapse enterprise around the business experiences a clear record.
And one more thing let me like he is he served as chairman of the 2002 winter Olympics, China is bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, he was said, opposed to human rights for not let China's hosting of the Olympic Games.


If elected,it will rebulid'销闹' the standard of Republican party in ethical and moral.‘ The extinguished management capacity had did so much for Romney.His successful business experience had striken on voters deeply.He made the company asssets add from 30million dollors to 9 billion dollors by his unique“BAIN WAY”.In his autobiography‘‘碧斗桥Bain's shit’’悔猛,Romney had made a clear records about his variously entrusted with the bankrupting company and ,then make it back to life at a critical and difficult moment..

