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版权所有 北京市回棚册民学校 初三六班 团链缺宏支扮核部 张嘉宇
1. as soon as 一…..就
 He will call me as soon as he gets to shanghai.
 Li Lin will write to his family as soon as he gets to American.
 I will send her an e-mail as soon as I get home.
 I told him about this as soon as he came back from work.
 Did the children stop playing as soon as they saw the teacher coming.
2. not as(so)…as 不如,不像
 These red flowers are as beautiful as those blue ones
 Jim can’t jump as high as Tom.
 You are as silly as Henry.
 This room is as large as that one.
 The movie was not as exciting as we had expected.
3. as…as possible 尽可能
 We should speak English as much as possible in English class.
 Can you read the sentence as slowly as possible?
 Tom told Mike to finish reading the book as soon as possible.
 I’ll tell him the news as soon as possible.
 Please email me this notice as soon as possible.
4. ask sb. for sth. 要求某人做某事
 When you get lost, you can ask the police for help.
 Some students often ask their parents for money to play video games.
 He asked his parents for a bicycle as his birthday present.
5. ask /tell sb. (how) to do sth. 让某人如何做某事
 Many students often ask their teachers how to learn English well.
 Let me tell you how to send an e-mail.
 Please tell us how to make cake.
6. ask /tell sb.(not) to do sth. 让某人(不要)做某事
 Lily asked me to help her with her Chinese.
 The boy asked his mother to let him listen to the music.
 Mother tells me not to play in the street.
 The teacher told us to finish our homework on time.
 My father often tells me to study hard.
7. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事
 They used to be afraid of snakes.
 She said she was afraid of talking with her parents.
 The little girl is afraid of going outside at night.
 Speak more English. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
 Though Mr. Zhang is very strict. You needn’t be afraid of him
8. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
 Look! Everyone is busy working hard for the math test.
 We are busy getting ready for the English evening.
 Now students are busy preparing for the exams.
 Mother was busy with housework yesterday afternoon.
Mother was busy doing housework yesterday afternoon.
9. be famous/ late/ready /sorry for 因…而闻名/迟到/为…准备/为…而抱歉
 Hurry up, or you will be late for school.
 He was late for class again.
 Hurry up! Or we’ll be late for the first bus.
 Xiao Ming was late for school yesterday.
 They were late for the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday.
10. be glad that 高兴
 I am very glad that you can come to the evening party.
 The teacher was very glad that our class was the first / won the first prize.
11. both…and… 既….又…
 Both his uncle and his aunt are professors.
 Do both Lily and Mary like singing?
 Both my mum and my dad are doctors.
 Both you and me have to study English hard.
 Both you and I like playing foodball.
12. give /show/ bring/ lend /send /pass/ tell sb. sth. 给某人某物/给某人看某物/带给某人某物/借给某人某物/送给某人某物/递给某人某物/告诉某人某事
 He gave me a lots of useful books.
 Have you given the letter to him?
 She said that she would give me some money.
 Can you show the map of world to me?
 Don’t forget to bring me some money when you come here next time.
13. either…or… 或者…. 或者
 Either my father or my mother will work in London.
 Either you or Xiao Li is going to do the work.
 Either you or I am wrong.
 Either you or he is right.
 You may either stay at home or go out for a walk.
14. enjoy/ hate/ finish /mind/ keep /go on doing 喜欢/讨厌/完成/在意/持续/继续做某事
 I think I can finish reading this book today.
 I enjoy talking with him.
 Do you like swimming?
 My mother was busy preparing for the dinner when I came home.
 Stop talking, and listen to the teacher carefully, pleas.
15. get+比较级 变得更加…
 Spring is coming and it’s getting warmer and warmer.
 If you eat too much, you will get fatter and fatter.
 Winter is coming, and the night is getting longer and longer.
 It gets warmer and warmer on the earth.
 Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful.
16. get on with 与…相处
 I hope you can get on well with other students in the new school.
 Please get on with your work.
17. get ready for/get sth. ready 为…准备
 My mother asked me to get ready for supper as soon as I got home yesterday evening.
 Are you ready for tomorrow’s sports meeting?
 Look! They are busy getting ready for the party.
18. had better(not) do sth. 最好….
 It’s a windy day today. You’d better not open the windows.
 You’d better keep quiet in the public places.
 You’d better be at school on time next time.
 We’d better not talk in class.
 You’d better have a rest.
19. help sb.(to) do /help sb. with帮助某人做某事/在某方面帮助某人
 It’s very kind of you to help me with my lessons.
 I want to ask him to help me with my English.
 He often helps his mother clean the room.
20. I don’t think that… 我认为…不….
 I don’t think it easy for us to win the football match.
 He don’t think it is easy for him to finish mending the machine in an hour.
 She don’t think the room is big enough for all people.
21. I would like to 我愿意….Would you like to…? 你乐意….
 Would you like something to drink?
 Would you like to drink something?
 Would you like to go to the New Year concert with me?
 I would like him to buy a dictionary for me.
22. is one of the + 最高级+n (pl.) 最… 之一
 Sanya is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
 Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in the world.
23. It is important for sb.to do sth. 对某人来说做什么事情很重要
 It’s very important for us to study English well.
 It is very difficult for them to remember so many words.
 It’s quite necessary for students to do the eye exercises.
24. It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事
 It took the works two years to build this bridge.
 It takes him half an hour to do this homework everyday.
 It took us twenty minutes to clean the room yesterday.
 It takes me half an hour to watch the news every evening.
 How long does it take you to do the homework every day?
25. It’s bad/good for…. 对…有坏/好处
 Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.
 Doing morning exercises is good for your health.
 It is good for us to do morning exercises.
 Don’t smoke! It’s bad for your health.
 It’s good to read English every day.
26. It’s time for…/to do sth. 是…的时间了
 It’s time to have breakfast.
 It’s time for the meeting.
 It’s time for class.
 It’s time to go to school.
 It’s time for us to have sports.
27. It’s two meters (years) long (high, old) 两米高/两年长
 He is 1.5 meters tall.
 The mountain is over 5 kilometers high.
 The baby is 3years old.
 The road is about 50 meters wide.
 The rooms is 10 meters long, 10 meters wide and 2.5 meters high.
28. keep sb. doing. 使某人持续做某事
 Don’t keep the child staying at home alone.
 Hurry up! Don’t keep your mother waiting for you.
 Don’t keep your mother waiting.
 Keep the door open.
 We should keep our classroom clean.
29. keep /make sth. + adj. 保持/使得某物…
 Will you please keep the door open?
 Please keep the reading room clean and tidy.
 It’s our duty to keep the city clean.
 What he said made his parents very angry.
30. like to do /like doing. 喜欢做某事
 My younger sister likes singing and dancing very much.
 His parents don’t like to travel by plane / air.
 I like playing the piano and she likes playing the guitar
 Both my mother and my father like watching news programs.
31. make/let sb.(not) do sth. 让某人(不要)做某事
 I will not let my students go swimming there .
 Let me help you.
 Don’t make the baby cry.
 She’s now in great trouble. Let’s help her.
32. neither…nor… 既不…也不…
 Neither Mr. Green nor Mr. Smith is a doctor.
 Neither him nor I am able to do it.
 She’s neither at home nor at school.
 I like neither music nor sports.
 My elder brother is neither taller nor stronger than me.
33. not…at all 根本不
 He doesn’t like swimming at all.
 There was nothing to worry about at all.
 I don’t know this new teacher at all like all the others in my class.
 This child is not lovely at all.
34. not…until… 直到…才
 The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came into the classroom.
 The child doesn’t like art at all.
 Keep knocking on the door until someone open the door.
 He didn’t begin to do his homework until he found his pen.
 We didn’t leave school until the rain stopped.
35. not…only…but also…不但…而且…
 We can not only speak, but also write Japanese.
 She is not only beautiful but also honest.
 Not only the students but also the teacher likes football.
 I went to see not only him but also his brother.
36. one…the other…/Some…others… 一个…另一个; 一些…其余
 I have two hobbies. One is swimming, the other is skating.
 There are two classes on Wednesday afternoon. One is chemistry, the other is politics.
 All the students are doing some cleaning. Some are sweeping the floor, others are cleaning the windows.
37. prefer …to 宁愿,更喜欢
 I prefer music to art.
 He prefers skating to swimming.
 I prefer peaches to pears.
 Tom prefers surfing to swimming in summer.
38. see/hear sb. do sth. 看见/听见某人做某事看见/听见某人正在做某事
 On my way home, I saw a little girl crying on the road.
 I heard them singing.
 I heard someone knocking at / on the door when I was cooking.
 Suddenly, I saw him fall off the bicycle.
39. so… that… 如此…以至于….
 She was so tired that she didn’t know what she was reading.
 Lucy was so happy that she began to sing and dance.
 The boy is so young that he can’t walk.
 Jim ran so quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him.
 The seven-year-old girl likes playing the piano so much that she has kept practising for two years.
40. spend…on花费(时间,金钱)在…
 They spend a lot of money on books.
41. spend (in) doing sth. 花费(时间,金钱)做某事
42. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
 The serious traffic jam stopped him from catching the last train.
43. stop to do 停下来去做某事
 They stopped to have a look. They saw a watch lying on the ground.
 He was so tired that he stopped to have a rest.
 The little girl stopped crying.
 Can I stop to listen to the music.
 They stopped talking when the teacher came in.
44. take/bring sth with sb. 某人带着/带来某物
 It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella (wth you).
 Don’t forget to bring your cameras tomorrow.
45. thank sb. for sth 为…感谢某人
 Thank you for coming to see me.
 Thank you very much for your help.
 Thank you for telling us the news / message.
 Thank you very much for inviting us to visit your school.
46. The + 比较级…., the + 比较级 越…就越…
 The more trees are planted, the better our environment is.
 The more books we read, the more knowledge we will get.
47. There is sth. wrong with …有毛病
 There is something wrong with my computer.
 On my way home there was something wrong with my bike, so I was late for the first class.
48. too…to… 太…以至于不能…
 This box is too heavy for him to carry.
 We were too tired to work on.
 I’m too busy to help you.
 My mother is too excited to say a word.
49. used to 过去常常
 Knives are used for cutting things.
 He used to smoke, but he doesn’t these days.
 We used to be good friends
 They used to drink and smoke lot
 I used to work for this company
50. What about/ How about …怎么样
 What about going shopping?
 What about going for a walk?
 What about a cup of tea?
 What about taking along little Tom along with us?
51. what’s wrong/ the matter with…? 有…事 /毛病?
 What’s wrong with you?
 You don’t look well. What wrong with you ?
 What’s wrong with my computer?
 What’s wrong with your hand?
 He looks tired. What’s the matter?
52. Why not…? 为什么不?
 Why not ask the teacher for help?
 It’s hot here, why not take off your coat.
 Why not go and ask the teacher?
 Why not go to see the doctor?
53. Will ( Would / Could) you please….? 请…好吗?
 would you like to go to a movie with me?
 You look very tired, would you please stop to have a rest.
 Will you please open the window?
 Will you please help me with my English?
 Will you please stop to have a talk with me?

