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被浏览: 0次 2023年07月29日 13:04

The earth is our warm family. We all reside in this beautiful garden, thus it's necessary to protect and care for it with all our hearts. Nowadays, every city is advocating low-carbon lifestyle. As long as we don'嫌滑脊t pollute the environment or waste the energy, we can make our earth greener than before. Therefore, people should make economical use of water and electricity, and be thrifty about food. Even if every one of us use only one pair of disposable chopsticks, large amounts of wood could go to waste. Low-carbon lifestyle should be carried out and observed by everyone. What do you think?


The earth is our warm home, we all live in this beautiful garden, so we should take good care of it and protect it. Now, every city is advocating low carbon life, as long as we do not pollute the environment, and no waste of energy can make our planet become more and more green. So, we should save water and electricity in our daily life, don't waste food and so on. If every one of us just uses a pair of disposable chopsticks, it's the equivalent of throwing a piece of wood. So, low carbon life begins with every one of us. What about you?
