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被浏览: 0次 2023年06月07日 17:49

您按排的货款我们已经收到了. 真的非常感谢!
We have received the payment under your arrangment for the goods.Thank you very much.

您这次在美国跟客户商谈不知我们公司的样品反映如何? 这次时间太匆忙没有开发更多的样品.
Recently you had a business talk with clients in the U.S.A. How about their response to our samples? It's a regret that we didn'develope more samples for you to take to America due to the short time.

我们希望您回来时带一些更多,更好的信息给我们. 我们能开发出更多的样品提供给您.
We expect more and better news upon your return. We are in a position to develop more samples to supply you.

今天给您发这封信的目的是,我们公司现在面临可能倒闭的情况. 您上一次给我们按排的货款已经都按排到各工厂.
We are writing to tell that our company may be closed.The last payment you arranged has been alloted to the factories concerned.

但是那些只能弥补一部分. 现在我们几家工厂都面临倒闭情况.所以我们老板也不希望因为我们公司造成工厂倒闭.
But that can not make up everything.Now all our factories are facing the embarassment of closing,which is of courese not what our boss expects.

这样一来我们在这边没有办法继续开公司. 工厂倒闭我纯凯卜们公司也没有办法继续开下去.
Thus it makes it impossible for us to run the campany.

Your company has dealt with us for 2 years and you know our boss well.He will never bother you if there's no giant obstacle.

Now many companies are in difficult situation due to the unsound fund circulation.It couldn't be that in the past years.
您也知道小规做穗模公司资金周转不好很快就倒闭. 现在真的是非常非常困难.
You know that small-sized companies close soon under such circustances.Now we are in great difficultly indeed.
We expect that President Liu can do us a favor in paasing over the difficulty.We eagarly expect the arrival of the payment of about US$ 60,000 to 70,000 next week.

这次希望刘总能帮助我们. 我们会非常感激!
We will be more than gratefu for your help.


Your current customers in the United States to discuss with the companies we do not know how the samples reflect? This time too hastily without the development of more samples.

We hope that when you come back with some more and better information to us. Look, we have more samples available to you.

This gives you the purpose of this letter is that our company is now facing possible closure of the situation. You gave us on the last row for the goods already had been in line into the factories.

But those who can only make up for the part. Now we are facing the closure of several factories situation. Therefore, we do not want the owner of the company because we caused factory closures.

As a result we have no way to continue here in companies. Factory closures our company can do to continue to go on.

Your company with our company for two years, you also know that we bosses great man. General difficulties can be resolved if we do not trouble you.

Now many companies are very bad cash flow difficulties. If previous years these factories is also not the case.

You also know that small companies cash flow bad quickly collapse. Now really is very, very difficult.

Hope Mr. Liu Let us help a company through this difficult period. We really hope that next week to receive money (about 6 to 70,000 US dollars)

The hope Mr. Liu can help us. We will be very grateful!


Pai's not paid by you we have received. Really very grateful!

Your current customers in the United States to discuss with the companies we do not know how the samples reflect? This time too hastily without the development of more samples.

We hope that when you come back with some more and better information to us. Look, we have more samples available to you.

This gives you the purpose of this letter is that our company is now facing possible closure of the situation. You gave us on the last row for the goods already had been in line into the factories.

But those who can only make up for the part. Now we are facing the closure of several factories situation. Therefore, we do not want the owner of the company because we caused factory closures.

As a result we have no way to continue here in companies. Factory closures our company can do to continue to go on.

Your company with our company for two years, you also know that we bosses great man. General difficulties can be resolved if we do not trouble you.

Now many companies are very bad cash flow difficulties. If previous years these factories is also not the case.

You also know that small companies cash flow bad quickly collapse. Now really is very, very difficult.

Hope刘总Let us help a company through this difficult period. We really hope that next week to receive money (about 6 to 70,000 US dollars)

The hope刘总can help us. We will be very grateful!


Pai's not paid by you we have received. Really very grateful!

Your current customers in the United States to discuss with the companies we do not know how the samples reflect? This time too hastily without the development of more samples.

We hope that when you come back with some more and better information to us. Look, we have more samples available to you.

This gives you the purpose of this letter is that our company is now facing possible closure of the situation. You gave us on the last row for the goods already had been in line into the factories.

But those who can only make up for the part. Now we are facing the closure of several factories situation. Therefore, we do not want the owner of the company because we caused factory closures.

As a result we have no way to continue here in companies. Factory closures our company can do to continue to go on.

Your company with our company for two years, you also know that we bosses great man. General difficulties can be resolved if we do not trouble you.

Now many companies are very bad cash flow difficulties. If previous years these factories is also not the case.

You also know that small companies cash flow bad quickly collapse. Now really is very, very difficult.

Hope Mr. Liu Let us help a company through this difficult period. We really hope that next week to receive money (about 6 to 70,000 US dollars)

The hope Mr. Liu can help us. We will be very grateful!