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被浏览: 0次 2023年08月09日 23:13

One day, a rabbit met an ant. The rabbit asked the ant"what are you doing?"."I am ready to trip an elephant over."团历,the ant said.
After several minutes, the rabbit saw a group of ants standed in a line and went out."what are you going to do?"the rabbit asked."One of our brother tripped an elephant over just now,the elephant bled too much and within an inch of shock.So we are going to be blood donors."
Anthoer Several minites later,the rabbit saw those ants back,and asked them about the matter. One ant said,"塌消搜桥段We just go to offer our blood, and find only one of our brother's blood is fit to the elephant's.He said only left himself is ok. So we are back."


One day, an ant to see a rabbit, the rabbit asked ants in doing, Ant said he is prepared to stretch the elephant trip with their feet ...
After a while, to see a group of ants supplied rabbit out, asked them to do, an ant said: "We just Miners to a tripping elephants, elephant hemorrhagic shock was almost too much, we have to give him blood!"纤皮孙毁链
Again After a while, rabbits see these ants came back, they asked, an ant said: "握弯We have just to donate blood, found on a Miners blood type and that the elephant, he said he left an obvious, so we came back."