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被浏览: 0次 2023年04月27日 04:23

1. John didn't come up with his plan until the last day.

2离毕业典礼只有一个星期了(to go)
2. There's only one week to go before the graduation ceremony.

3. You can use your computer anytime and anywhere with a laptop.

4由于近年来网上支付越来越普及,人们不再需要经常到银行去(no longer)
4. People will no longer have to go to the bank frequently due to the increasing popularity of online payment in recent years.

5. It's a good idea to let this boy be seated beside his older brother.

6. The park opposite to our school is open to public for free every Tuesday.

7直到你教我这首歌之后,我才知道音乐的告老美(Not until)
7. I didn't realize how beautiful the music can be until you taught me the song.

8. Shirley hurt her leg as she was getting off the bus this morning.

9. I haven't met him since he left last month.

10. What should we do if he is reluctant to come to help us?

11不久之后你就会对你所做的事感到后悔(long before)
11. You'll regret what you did before long.

12. The old man who talked with me yesterday is a scientist.

13. These books are for the students who are non-native English speakers.

14. The students don't need to bring books in the afternoon for they're going to listen to a report.

15. You shouldn't have snacks in the interval between meals, otherwise you'll lose your appetite.

16. You must have visited the West Lake if you have been to Hangzhou.

17. That may or may not be true.


John until the last day to hand over his plan

2 away from graduation only a week

3 a laptop computer, you can be anywhere at any time the operation of a computer

4 because the recent years the online payment becomes more and more popular, people no longer need often go to the bank

5 let the boy sitting next to his brother was a good idea

6 our school opposite of the park is open to the public free on Tuesday

7 until you taught me this song after, I just know music beauty

8 this morning when the next bus Shirley leg is injured

Since he left to 9 last month now, I have not seen him

10 if he doesn't want to come to help us, we do

11 soon after you will do you regret anything

12 yesterday and I speak to the old man is a scientist

These books are written to mother tongue is not English students to watch

14 the students don't have to bring in the afternoon, they want to listen to a book report

And you should not be in between meals and snacks, she will make you lose appetite

And if you've ever been to hangzhou, you must have visited the west lake

And that is probably true, it may not be true


1.john didn't submit his plan until the last day.
2.there is only one week to go to the graduation.
3.you can operate a computer whenever you want with a laptop.
4.since the online payment becomes more and more popular, people no longer have to often go to the bank.
5.it'冲虚s a good idea to let the boy take the seat beside his brother.
6.the park opposite our school is free for the public on tuesday.
7.i didn't konw the beauty of music until you taught me this song.
8.this morning, as shirley was getting down from the bus, she hurt herself.
9.i haven't seen him so far since he left last month.
10.if they are not willing to help us, what are we supposed to do?
11.you will regret what you have done before long.
12.the old man who talked with me yesterday is a scientist.
13.these books are for the students whose mother language is not english.
14.the students don'散慎燃t need to bring their books this afternoon. they have reports to listen.
15.you shouldn'孝历t eat snacks during your dinner. it will decrease your appetite.
16.you must have visited xihu lake if you have been to hangzhou.
17.it could be true but also false.