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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月24日 05:11

建安五年(年份),曹操向东(对刘备)发动老闷战争,先主(指刘备洞孙)投奔袁绍。曹操擒获关羽回去以后,封关羽为偏将军,并且赏赐了很多财物给关羽。 后来袁绍派大将颜良进攻东郡,与太守刘延在白马发生激战,曹操派遣张辽以及关羽为先锋对敌。关羽看见颜良的旌旗伞盖后,千军万马之中骑马斩杀了颜良,并取其首级回来。袁绍纳含链手下众多将领没有能够抵挡关羽的,于是白马的险情就这样化解了。曹操马上下书封关羽为汉寿亭侯。。。初。曹操钦佩关羽的为人,并且察觉到关羽的眼神之中没有久留的意思,于是就告诉张辽:“你试一下以真情问问他”继而张辽问关羽(无心留在曹操手下)这个事,关羽叹气说:“我知道曹公对我十分的好,然而我受刘将军厚恩,发过誓要和他共生死,不可以违背。我最终还是不会留下的,所以我要为曹公立下功劳以报答曹公之恩,然后才能离去。” 张辽将关羽的话告诉曹公,曹操觉得关羽十分讲义气。于是关羽杀死颜良后,曹操知道关羽必然要离开,于是重重赏赐了关羽。关羽将曹操赏赐的财物全部封好,留下书信告辞。然后就向袁绍投奔先主(指刘备)去了。曹操手下要追捕关羽,曹操说,“别追了。你们都是各为其主,别追了。”


Jian five years, Caogong Dong Zheng, the first Lord Ben Yuan Shao. Yu Tso capture to go, thanks for the Pianjiang Jun, courtesy of the very thick. Great General Shao sent Liu Yan Yan Liang Prefecture 东郡 attack on a white horse, Zhang Liao and Yu Tso to attack them as pioneers. Yu saw the good rejoice cover, rode into the assassination of good in the Peoples, cut its first also, Shao Zhu Jiang monensin as those around the White Horse then solutions. Feng Yu Tso that the table is Hanshou Tinghou. ?? Early Yu Tso strong man, and hear his mind not to stay for meaning, that Zhang Liao said: "Big Love try to ask it." Subsequently to ask Yu Liao, Yu sighed and said: "I know Tso treated me very thick, However, I by General Liu Grace, sworn to total death, not back it. I do not stay the end, I want to be effective in order to repay Tso is set to go. "Liao statement reported by Tso Kung Yu, Cao Gongyi it. Is to kill Yan Liang Yu, Tso know these will go heavier reward. Yu do seal it, thanks to worship the book leave, and Ben before the Lord in the Yuan army. To recover the left and right, Tso said: "He is their own master, do not chase people."