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被浏览: 0次 2023年04月18日 05:00

翻译不同创作, 好则保留,不好则改之. 例如质点是point mass,不是particle. Particle会误导为粒子: 粒子物理(Particle Physics),一笑. 功是 Work, 不是Power, Power 是功率; 讨论课 是discussion sessions,不是seminars 等等. takeallok (二级, 采纳率 so far: 0%)费心了.

大学物理教学大纲 (126学时)
College Physics Syllabus (126 hours)
一. 课程的任务、性质和作用
1. The Objective, Nature and Role of this Course
物理学是研究物质的基本结构、相互作用和物质最基本、最普遍的运动方式及其相互转化规律的学科。 物理学的研究对象具有极大的普遍性。他的基本理论渗透自然科学的一切领域,应用于生产技术的各个部门,它是自然科学的许多领域和工程技术的基础。 以物理学基础知识为内容大学物理课,它所包括的经典物理、近代物理和物理学在科学技术上应用的初步知识等都是一个高级技术人员所必备的,因此,大学物理课是高等工业学校各专业学生的一门重要的必修基础课。
College Physics is the study of the basic structures and interactions of objects, their most fundamental and universal movements, and their mutual conversion rules. There is a great universality in the study of Physics. Its basic theory has infiltrated all fields of natural sciences and has applications in the various branches of production technology. It is the foundation of many fields in natural sciences and engineering. This College Physics course is an introduction to Physics. It includes elementary knowledge on classical Physics, modern Physics and the application of Physics to science and technology; all of which are necessary for senior technical staff. As such, it is a course requirement for every professional student in polytechnic institutes
There are two purposes for setting up College Physics courses in polytechnic institutes
of advanced learning. The first is to acquire and consolidate an essential fundamental of Physics. The second is to expose students to rudimentary methodologies of scientific thinking and researching. These important functions can open the mind, inspire the spirit of exploration and innovation, strengthen adaptability and enhance the humanistic qualities. Not only is the College Physics course very important for students in their studies, but it also has a far reaching impact on their work after graduation, in the further study of new theories, new technologies and constant updates of their knowledge. This College Physics course is a freshman level course. It plays a vital role in helping students quickly adapt to learning on a college level by training them to build up a proper learning attitude, by introducing the scientific learning method, and through cultivating the ability to access knowledge independently.
大学物理课在培养学生辨证唯物主义世界观方面也起着一定的作用。 通过大学物理课的教学,应使学生对课程中的基本概念、基本理论、基本方法能够有比较全面和系统的认识和正确的理解,并具有初步应用的能力。 在大学物理课的各个教学环节中,都必须注意在传授知识的同时着重培养能力。 在大学物理课的教学过程中,对教学内容的体系及先后次序、教学环节(讲授、自学、习题课及讨论课等)的安排及教学方法的选用等,均应在积极进行教学改革的基础上,由学校及授课教师共同确定。为了保证必要的实践性教学环节,以小班形式进行的习题课、讨论课教学时数目前不应少于总教学时数的10%,争取逐步做到不少于15%。
The College Physics course also demonstrates a specific role in exposing students to a dialectical materialism world view. The teaching of College Physics course should enable students to have more comprehensive and systematic acquaintance, and proper understanding of the basic concept, basic theory and basic method, as well as an initial capacity of the application of these ideas. During each stage of the course, attention should be focused on developing understanding in conjunction with imparting knowledge. In designing the course, the system and the order and priority of its contents, arrangement of the teaching sequence (lecture, self-study, exercise lessons and discussion sessions) and selection of the teaching method should be mutually determined by the school and the teacher, based on the current implementation of teaching reform. To ensure the practicality of the teaching sequence, recitations in the form of small classes should not be less than 10% of the total hours of the course, and should increase gradually to be not less than 15%.
二. 课程的基本内容及学时分配
2. The Syllabus and Time Allocation of the Course
1. 理论讲授 Lectures on Theories
章节 内容 学时
Chapter Contents Hours
第一章 质点运动学
Chapter 1 Point Mass Kinematics
位矢 - Position vector,
位移 - Displacement,
速度 - Velocity,
加速度 – Acceleration
角速度 - Angular velocity
角加速度 - Angular acceleration
切向与法向加速度 6 - Tangential and normal accelerations 6
第二章 质点动力学
Chapter 2. Point Mass Dynamics
牛顿三定律 –Newton's three laws of motion
保守力 – Conservative force
功 - Work
能 - Energy
动能和动量定理 – Kinetic energy and momentum laws
角动量和角动量守恒 – Angular momentum and conservation of angular momentum
机械能守恒 8 – Conservation of mechanical energy 8


University physics teaching outline (126 classes)
The task of a. Course, nature and function
Physics is fundamental structure of matter, interaction and material the most basic, most common mode of motion and its mutual transformation law subject.
The study of physics objects have the great universality. His basic theoretical penetration natural science, applied in all areas of the production technology of each department, it is natural to many areas of science and engineering technology foundation.
Basic knowledge in physics for college physics class, its contents include classical physics, the modern physics and physics in science and technology application in the preliminary knowledge is a senior technical personnel necessary, therefore, university physics class is higher industrial school of all students is an important basic course of compulsory.
Higher industrial school opened in the role of college physics class for students and, on the other hand, is playing well systematically the physical basis; necessary On the other hand, enable the students to learn scientific thinking methods and research method. These plays a open mentality, stimulate the exploration and innovation spirit, enhance adapting ability, improve the humanistic qualities of the important role. Learn university physics class, not only to the student in the school study is very important for students after graduation, and the work and further learning new theories, new technology, constantly update their knowledge, will be profound influence. University physics class is at junior curric ulum, which makes students to build up the correct study manner, mastering scientific learning method, cultivating the ability of independently obtain knowledge as soon as possible, to adapt to college stage learning laws etc role of also is very important.
University physics class in training students' dialectical materialism in outlook also plays a role.
Through the university physics class teaching, should make the students the basic concept, the basic curriculum theory, the basic method to have comprehensive and systematic understanding and proper understanding, and has preliminary application ability.
In college physics class of each teaching links, should pay attention to impart knowledge while in its focus on training the ability.
In college physics class the teaching process, the system of teaching content, teaching link and order (lecturing, self-learning, seminars etc) problem sets classes and the arrangement of the selection of teaching and method in wait, all should actively, on the basis of teaching reform by schools and jointly determine the instructor. In order to ensure the necessary practical teaching link to form small problem sets lessons, discussion teaching hours at present shall not be less than 10% of the total teaching hours for achieved step by step, not less than 15%.

2. Curriculum of basic content and school distribution

1. The theory to teach

Chapter quarter when within. Let learn
The first chapter particle kinematics
A sagittal, speed, acceleration and displacement, velocity and Angle acceleration, tangential and method to acceleration 6
The second chapter particle dynamics
Three laws of Newton, conservative force, work and can, kinetic energy and momentum theorem, angular momentum and angular momentum conservation, mechanical energy conservation 8


英文:University physics teaching outline (126 classes)


The task of a. Course, nature and function


Physics is fundamental structure of matter, interaction and material the most basic, most common mode of motion and its mutual transformation law subject.

The study of physics objects have the great universality. His basic theoretical penetration natural science, applied in all areas of the production technology of each department, it is natural to many areas of science and engineering technology foundation.

Basic knowledge in physics for college physics class, its contents include classical physics, the modern physics and physics in science and technology application in the preliminary knowledge is a senior technical personnel necessary, therefore, university physics class is higher industrial school of all students is an important basic course of compulsory.

Higher industrial school opened in the role of college physics class for students and, on the other hand, is playing well systematically the physical basis; necessary On the other hand, enable the students to learn scientific thinking methods and research method. These plays a open mentality, stimulate the exploration and innovation spirit, enhance adapting ability, improve the humanistic qualities of the important role. Learn university physics class, not only to the student in the school study is very important for students after graduation, and the work and further learning new theories, new technology, constantly update their knowledge, will be profound influence. University physics class is at junior curric ulum, which makes students to build up the correct study manner, mastering scientific learning method, cultivating the ability of independently obtain knowledge as soon as possible, to adapt to college stage learning laws etc role of also is very important.

University physics class in training students' dialectical materialism in outlook also plays a role.

Through the university physics class teaching, should make the students the basic concept, the basic curriculum theory, the basic method to have comprehensive and systematic understanding and proper understanding, and has preliminary application ability.

In college physics class of each teaching links, should pay attention to impart knowledge while in its focus on training the ability.

In college physics class the teaching process, the system of teaching content, teaching link and order (lecturing, self-learning, seminars etc) problem sets classes and the arrangement of the selection of teaching and method in wait, all should actively, on the basis of teaching reform by schools and jointly determine the instructor. In order to ensure the necessary practical teaching link to form small problem sets lessons, discussion teaching hours at present shall not be less than 10% of the total teaching hours for achieved step by step, not less than 15%.


2. Curriculum of basic content and school distribution


1. The theory to teach

Chapter quarter when within. Let learn

The first chapter particle kinematics

A sagittal, speed, acceleration and displacement, velocity and Angle acceleration, tangential and method to acceleration 6

The second chapter particle dynamics

Three laws of Newton, conservative force, work and can, kinetic energy and momentum theorem, angular momentum and angular momentum conservation, mechanical energy conservation 8 .


Through the university physics class teaching, should make the students the basic concept, the basic curriculum theory, the basic method to have comprehensive and systematic understanding and proper understanding, and has preliminary application ability.
In college physics class of each teaching links, should pay attention to impart knowledge while in its focus on training the ability.
In college physics class the teaching process, the system of teaching content, teaching link and order (lecturing, self-learning, seminars etc) problem sets classes and the arrangement of the selection of teaching and method in wait, all should actively, on the basis of teaching reform by schools and jointly determine the instructor. In order to ensure the necessary practical teaching link to form small problem sets lessons, discussion teaching hours at present shall not be less than 10% of the total teaching hours for achieved step by step, not less than 15%.


The task of a. Course, nature and function
Physics is fundamental structure of matter, interaction and material the most basic, most common mode of motion and its mutual transformation law subject.
The study of physics objects have the great universality. His basic theoretical penetration natural science, applied in all areas of the production technology of each department, it is natural to many areas of science and engineering technology foundation.
Basic knowledge in physics for college physics class, its contents include classical physics, the modern physics and physics in science and technology application in the preliminary knowledge is a senior technical personnel necessary, therefore, university physics class is higher industrial school of all students is an important basic course of compulsory.
Higher industrial school opened in the role of college physics class for students and, on the other hand, is playing well systematically the physical basis; necessary On the other hand, enable the students to learn scientific thinking methods and research method. These plays a open mentality, stimulate the exploration and innovation spirit, enhance adapting ability, improve the humanistic qualities of the important role. Learn university physics class, not only to the student in the school study is very important for students after graduation, and the work and further learning new theories, new technology, constantly update their knowledge, will be profound influence. University physics class is at junior curric ulum, which makes students to build up the correct study manner, mastering scientific learning method, cultivating the ability of independently obtain knowledge as soon as possible, to adapt to college stage learning laws etc role of also is very important.
University physics class in training students' dialectical materialism in outlook also plays a role.
Through the university physics class teaching, should make the students the basic concept, the basic curriculum theory, the basic method to have comprehensive and systematic understanding and proper understanding, and has preliminary application ability.
In college physics class of each teaching links, should pay attention to impart knowledge while in its focus on training the ability.
In college physics class the teaching process, the system of teaching content, teaching link and order (lecturing, self-learning, seminars etc) problem sets classes and the arrangement of the selection of teaching and method in wait, all should actively, on the basis of teaching reform by schools and jointly determine the instructor. In order to ensure the necessary practical teaching link to form small problem sets lessons, discussion teaching hours at present shall not be less than 10% of the total teaching hours for achieved step by step, not less than 15%.

2. Curriculum of basic content and school distribution

1. The theory to teach

Chapter quarter when within. Let learn
The first chapter particle kinematics
A sagittal, speed, acceleration and displacement, velocity and Angle acceleration, tangential and method to acceleration 6
The second chapter particle dynamics
Three laws of Newton, conservative force, work and can, kinetic energy and momentum theorem, angular momentum and angular momentum conservation, mechanical energy conservation 8