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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月12日 11:28

1、We very surprised
for him to recover from a severe illness so quickly feel very surprised.
2、We decided to put off the sports meet till next week, when we won't be so busy/3、
3、Tom hard to learn his lesson, so the teacher to him deeply influence.
4、I took great effort to find his house.
5、Joan need a temporary escape work pressure
6、知则唯岁Persuade a person get rid of long-term nurturance habits is very not easy
7、Everyone had to go through an ebb and flow of life
8、He keeps himself as a scholar
9、She refused to answer about her personal income
10、Can you place the radio's volume raise some?



1. We are to him to recover from a severe illness so quickly feel very surprised. (at) amaze

2. We decided to put off the sports meet till next week, when we won't be so busy. (any off)

3. Tom hard to learn his lesson, so the teacher to him deeply influence. ($60-70)

4 I took great effort to find his house. (do STH.) spend...

5. Joan needs temporarily out of work pressure. (get) away -

6. Convince a person get rid of long-term nurturance habits is very not easy. (It, s + wild +...).

7. Everyone had to go through an ebb and flow of life. (around) '

8. He puts himself as a scholar. (as) describe


1. We were amazed at his quick recovery from illness.
2. We decided to put off the sports meeting till next week, when we are not so busy.
3.The teaches was impressed by Tom's hard work.
4. I had difficulty finding his home.
5.Joan needs to get away from stress work for a while.
6. It is hard to persuade somebody to get rid of bad habit.
7. Everyone has to go through ups and downs in his life.
8.He described himself as a scholar.
9. She refused to answer the question on her income.
10. Will you turn up the radio?


1.We are very amazed at his quick recovery from a serious sickness .
2.We decide to put off the sports meeting until next week so that we will not be so busy then.
3.Tom studies his lessons very hard,because the teacher impressed him deeply.
4.I had difficulty managing to find his home.
5.Joan needs to get away from the pressure from work.
6.It's not easy to persuade someone to get ride of a habit which has been kept for a long time.
7.Everyone has to go through ups and downs in one's lifetime.
8.He describes himself as a scholar.
9.She refused to answer questions related to her personal earnings.
10.Could you please turn up the volume of your radio a little?