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被浏览: 0次 2023年08月24日 13:05

  Living in a foreign culture can be exciting, but it can also be confusing (令人迷惑的). A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences. They decided that miscommunications were always possible, even over something as simple as \"yes\" and \"no\".
  On her first day in Micronesia, an island in the Pacific, Lisa thought people weren’t paying any attention to her. The day was hot. She went into a store and asked, “Do you have cold drinks. The woman there didn\'t say anything. Lisa repeated the question. Still the Woman said nothing. She later learned that the woman had answered her: She had raised her eyebrows (眉毛), which in Micronesia means \"yes\".
  Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria, a country in Europe. She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage. She asked the waiter, \"Do, you have cabbage today?\" He nodded his head. Jan waited, but the cabbage never came. In that country, a nod means no.
  Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India. After explaining something in class, he asked his students if they understood. They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head. He thought some people had not understood, so he explained again. When he asked again, they did the same thing~ He soon found out that his students did understand. In India, people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean \"yes\" or \"no\".
  生活在一个文化不同的外国可能是激动的,但也可能令人迷惑。一群在其他国家教英语的美国人最近讨论他们的经验。他们认为被迷惑是经常的,甚至是这样简单的“是”和“不”。 第一天在太平洋密克罗尼西亚联邦岛,丽莎认为人们不理她。这一天很热。她走进商店问:“你那稿耐闹有冷饮吗?”女人不说话。丽莎重复这个问题。女人还是什么也没说。她后来得知这位妇女回答过了她,她皱起了眉头,那意味着“是的”。
  JAN记起了她在保加利亚亩橘(一键罩个欧洲国家)的一次经历,她去了一家以其卷心菜著名的饭店,。她问那服务员“今天会有卷心菜吗? ”他点了点头。JAN等了半天但卷心菜都没有来。原来在那个国家,点头也就没有。


生活在一个文化不同的外国可能是激动的,但也可能令人迷惑。一群在其他国家教英语的美国人最近讨论他们的经验。他们认为被迷惑是经常的,甚至是这样简单的“是”和“不”。 第一天在太平洋密克罗尼西亚联邦岛,丽莎认为首弯碰人们不理她。这一天很热。她走进商店问:“你那有冷饮吗?”女人不说话。丽莎重复这个问题。女人还是什么也没说。她后来得知这位妇女回答过了她,她皱起了眉头,那意味着“是的”。
JAN记起了她在保加利亚(一个欧洲国家)的一次经历,她去了一家以其卷心菜著名的饭店,。她问那服务员“今天会有卷心菜吗? ”他点了点头。JAN等了半天但卷心菜都没有来。原来在那个国家,点头也就没有。