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帮忙翻译一下句子吧 汉译英及英译汉 谢谢。

被浏览: 0次 2023年09月22日 09:39

3.Thanks to his mother's encouragement.he was admitted to the university.
4.She was too kind-hearted to be fooled by the old lady and be cheated out of ten thousand yuan.
5.Low-income families tend to be more and more in need of housing but much more harder to afford them.
6.Do you think that person is lying on the roadside fell himself or deceive passers on purpose?


3. He will pass the college entrance examination is thanks to his mother's encouragement.
4. She is too good, the old lady when, is tricked into l million yuan.
5. Low-income families tend to be more need housing and more can't afford housing.
6. What do you think of the lying on the side of the road are offended or deliberate cheat passerby?


3.Thanks to his mother's encouragement, he was admitted to the university.
4.She was too kind-hearted to be fooled by the old lady and be cheated ten thousand yuan.
5.Low-income families tend to be more in need of housing but much more harder to afford.
6. Do you think that person who is lying on the roadside fells himself or deceives passers on purpose?


1. It is virtually impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.

2. The purposes for which English is learned and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it is difficult to define and still more difficult to assess what constitutes an adequate working knowledge for each situation.

3. 他能考上大学是多亏了他妈妈的鼓励。
It is her mother's encouragement that helped him to pass the college entrance examination.
She is too kind so that the old woman tricked her with ten thousand Yuan.
Low- income families are always in more needs of the housings but cannot afford them.
What do you think of that guy who is lying down over there? Does he fall down there or just be lying there to fool the passbys?


1。这几乎是不可能的估计,在世界上谁取得,除了他们自己的语言足够的英语知识工作的人数。 2。至于这些宽烂竖英语学习的用途慎大及在哪些情况下发生这种学习是如此不同,这是难以界定和更难以评估构历颂成了适当的工作每一种情况的知识。
3. He admitted to the University is thanks to his mother's encouragement. 4. She was too good, on the old lady's when, cheated out of l million. 5. Low-income families tend to be more and more in need of housing can not afford housing. 6. Do you think that person is lying on the roadside fell or deliberately deceive passers