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1.他们来到一个三面环山的小镇。2.很少能有乐趣比得上在大热天喝一杯冷饮。 3.我不相信他知道这个秘密4.歌手们的演唱给他们留下了深刻的印象5.高中老师和初中老师相似吗?
被浏览: 0次 2023年05月08日 14:17

1.they came to a town which was surrounded by mountains in three sides .
2.there is nothing interesting than drink a cold drink on a hot day .
3.i don't delieve he knows the secret.
4.singers' singing left\made a deep impression on them.
5.are high school teachers similiar to elementary school teachers ?


1, they came to a small town which is surrounded on three sides by mountain
2. there is never more of fun than drinking a cold drink on a hot day.
3. we don't think he knew anything about the secret.
4. The singers' songs impressed them very deeply.
5. is there anything similar between high schoolteachers and those in
middle school?


1. They came to a small town surrounded by mountains.
2. Few can have fun comparable to drinking a cup of cold drink on a hot day.
3. I do not believe he knows the secret
4. Singers were singing to them left a deep impression
5. High school teachers and junior high school teachers like it?


1.They come to a three siades of the town.
2.Rarely have fun match on a hot day drink cold drinks.
3.I don't believe that he knows the secret.
4.Singers sing made deep impression on them.
5.Junior high school teachers are similar to the teacher?


1.They came to a small town with mountains surrounding from three sides.
2.There is no more fun than drinking cold on a hot day.
3.I don't believe he knew the secret.
4.He was deeply impressed by what the singers sang.
5.Are teachers in senior high school similar to those in junior school?