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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月26日 20:14


Twenty years later is the work of American writer O. Henry. 


Two American youths, Bob and Jimmy Wells, are a pair of very good friends. When Bob wants to start a business in the west, they will meet in Brady Restaurant in Da Qiao, new york 20 years later. 


However, when Bob, who had spent 20 years in the west and was wanted by Chicago police, came to new york to keep his promise, Jimmy, who had been a patrolman in new york, arrested Bob by unexpected means.


The novel reflects the profound changes in all aspects of American social life from the second half of the 19th century to before the First World War through the unexpected changes that took place when the two youths reunited 20 years later.



  Begins with the police came on a few strokes took a quick upright, devoted a good image of the police sketch out. The appointments come from afar off the appearance but the West is "body leaning against a hardware store, did not support her mouth with the smoke point" and saw the police approached, he offered some small talk, very sophisticated; cigarette lighter when he is the style is a "wide chin, sharp eyes, a scar near the right eyebrow," which shows his extraordinary experience in the West: he in the West "and some of the calculation of the businessman vs. handling money," Nature ultimately fierce disputes with others, and contest; their dress - "a large diamond scarf pin eccentric to do the" hand look at the table when he saw "high number of tablets inlaid table covered with small diamonds." Friends of the East will return, he will remember all the lines are confused the first wiping silver gilding, which shows that he has a strong psychological returned home gloriously, like his best friend before the show two decades the outcome of struggle. After two years of ups and downs, he as if the rivers and lakes into a sophisticated human - "slick Bob." Body of his friend for something to like him who rashly through a complex case been heard in years, thousands of miles to attend the meeting, and in the cold, wet night in journeying to wait then? Western discourse in the emerging customer slang dialect, reflecting his west blend into the bottom of society. He called young best friend, they will continue with "guy, friends, old man" and so on, shows that though two decades have not met, in the heart he had and the best friend the moment is not separate. He praised his young friends have added, with the highest level four adjectives: "the best", "best" and "the most real," "most reliable" shows that although the past two decades, friends in his mind the good impression left no less. Also reflect the difficulty of his life in the West: a just adult, worldly young and go alone to the city environment as much as we want hard, endured much suffering to get what she wants? ; That day he felt tired, so he became hypocritical, so he can better understand the pure and precious friendship, he will vow to 20 years ago, they threw back East. Finally, when plain-clothed policemen come to someone else to recognize when he mistakenly thought it was old friends and hold herself back inside the expansion, in enumerating his hair about family history. - Hold back any longer to reveal everything to share with each other eagerly, pressing and urgent mood, completely put aside the usual camouflage in front of others, although descriptions of offenders, but passed on these details to show readers a forthright and frank people poured out of boiling emotions - so real, honest! So sincere and moving! Do not write negative positive, thus, the reader can feel the friendship of the police a description of Mexico's deep vain for a purpose: of the more off the mouth of the western described by two friends, friendship and their praise, the more prominent police inner struggle and conflict.
  意思是:开篇警察一出场,寥寥数笔就把一个刚正敏捷、忠于职守的好警察形象勾画出来。 而千里迢迢前来赴约的西部客的亮相却是“身子斜倚着五金店,嘴里叼着支没点着的烟”,看见警察上前,他主动搭讪,非常老 练;他点烟时现出的模样是“宽下巴,犀利的眼神,右眉附近有一个刀疤”,这说明他在西部的经历非同 寻常:他在西部“与一些精于算计的生意人过招弄钱”,自然少不了与他人发生激烈的争执和较量;

  其穿戴——“围巾用大颗钻石别针古怪地别着”,伸手看表 时只见他“昂贵的表盖上镶着数粒小钻石”。东返会友,他不忘把所有的行头都弄得贴金抹银的, 这说明他怀有强烈的衣锦还乡心理,希望在至友面前展示自己二十年奋斗的成果。

  经历了二十年的风风雨 雨,他俨然变成了一个老于世故的江湖中人——“滑头鲍伯”。他朋 友身上的什么东西能够让像他这样经历复杂的人贸然在多年杳无音信的情况下千里赴会,并在深夜的凄风 苦雨中痴痴等候呢?

  西部客言谈中不断出现俚语土话,这反映了他在西部是混迹于社会的底层。他称呼年少至友时,不断用“家伙、好 友、老伙计”等词,说明虽然二十年未曾谋面,在心中他一 刻也不曾与至友分开。他对自己的年少朋友称赞有加,用了四个形容词最高级:“最棒的”、“最好的”、“最 真的”、“最可靠的”,说明虽然二十年过去,朋友在他心中留下的美好印象丝毫未减。同时又反映了他在 西部生活的不易:一个刚刚成年、 不谙世事的城市少年只身前往那样的环境,要吃多少苦、经受多少煎熬才能获得自己想要的东西?;这样的日子让他感到疲惫,让他变得虚伪,所以他更能体会到友情的纯真和宝贵,所以他才会为了二十年前的誓约义无返顾地东返。


  讲述自己的发家史。——按捺不住地流露出把 一切与对方分享的热切、迫切和急切的心情,全然抛开了平日在人前的伪装,虽然是 描写罪犯,作者却通过这些细节,向读者展示了一个率真坦诚的人喷涌出的滚烫情感——那么真实、坦率! 那么赤诚动人!



