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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月09日 10:51

After the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, the Paralympic Games was held on September 6th , 2008 in Beijing. About 4,000 players of the Paralympic Games who came from 140 countries go together in Beijing. They shared the wonderful music of Paralympic Games with about 6 hundred million disabled people in the world. At the same time, they showed their strength and glorious of their lives.
Emotion, honor and enjoyment made every match of the Paralympic dazzling. Loving, concern, respect, share made every people who took care of disabled people full of warm and moved in their hearts. The track and field athlete from Panama and swimmer of South Africa Veit Condute Natalie stood on podium, awarded for their hard work and pure gold medal with their smiles. The light focusing on their body, the applause sounded once more for them. This applause with the respected cheering, came from the mind touching. Many players from different countries showed their thanks to Beijing and to China. The basketball team from Sweden wrote “Hello, Beijing and Thanks to China” in Chinese when the match was over. “It comes in front of you, you want to hug it, and put it in your heart.” Craven—International Remnant Olympic Committee President said, “If it once occupies your mind, you will not put it away with difficulty. It will be there with you for your whole life!”
感情、光荣及喜乐使残奥会的每一场比赛都光彩夺目。感情、模腊碰忧虑、尊重、共同分享使得每一个照顾残疾人的人们感到温暖和忠心的感动。来自巴拿马的田径运员及北非的游泳运动员Veit Condute Natalie站在演讲台上,为他们的局烂努力工作颁金牌奖。灯光照在他们的身上,喝彩声为他们响起了一次又一次。这个掌声有着尊敬及高兴,而且是来自于心底的。许多来自不同国家的运动员们向中国北京展示了他们的感谢。当比赛结束后,来自瑞典的篮球队旦谈用中文写到“北京你好,感谢中国”的字样。当它来到你前面的时候,你想拥抱他,然后把它放在心底。Craven,国际奥运委员会的主席说,如果它占据了你的心里,你将不会把它放开。它将永远留在你的心底。


情感,光荣和乐趣的匹配使每一届残奥会变得耀眼的。爱,关注,尊重,使每一个在的人们成为谁照顾丧失茄高能力的在的人们完整的使暖和和感动进入他们的在墩座上的 hearts.The 从巴拿马的 tarck 和田野运动员和南非 Veit Condute 纳塔莉 atood 的游泳者为他们的努力工作和纯金奖章用他们的笑容授予。关注,为他们再一次发出喝彩的信号的。这喝彩用因而尊敬鼓舞人心的从头脑变得感人的。从和不同国家的很多运动员展示他们的和对中国由于北京。从瑞典的篮球队用中文写作“Hello,北京和由于 China”,当匹配是在上方的时候。“It来在你前面,你想要在总统对说基纳哪你的 heart.” Craven—International 剩余部分奥林匹克的委员会的,“If中紧挨着它和放它它一次占领你的头脑,你不将用困难干掉它。它将和你为你的整个搏码 life!” 是那里
