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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月27日 15:45

基本情况 姓 名 XXX 性 别 女 个人照片
Basic information name xxx gender female photo

出生年月 1987.9 民凳腔信 族 汉
date of birth September 1987 Ethnicity Han

出生枣轮地 江西上饶 身圆陵高 165cm
Place of Birth Shangrao,Jiangxi height 165cm

政治面貌 党员 毕业学校 南昌大学
political affliation Party member graduation school Nanchang University

学 历 本 科 专 业 英语
Level of education undergraduate major English

联系方式 联系电话 XXX XXX 邮箱 xxxxx
contact number xxx xxx email address xxxxx

技能 英语专业八级,法语日常交流,驾照
skills: CET level 8, daily conversation in French,driver's license

主要经历 2009.7——至 今 建设银行XX支行业务部
2005.9——2009.7 南昌大学
main experiences: July 2007 till now Operations Department at the branch office of the Construction Bank of China
September 2005 till July 2009 Nanchang University

1 英语专业八级
CET Level 8

2 2010年度第三届江西省建设银行英语风采大赛 优秀个人奖
Outstanding (individual) Award at the third English Talent Competition 2010,the Construction Bank of China, Jiangxi Province

3 在建行主要从事对公信贷业务和统计工作
in charge of credit business and accounting at the Construction Bank of China

4 擅长信用证审单以及其他进出口业务单据(如汇票,商业发票,保险单等)的审单,参加了2010年度全国国际商务单证考试(目前,江西省建行系统2人取得此证)
good at auditing credit and other import and export receipts (such as bill of exchange, commercial receipts,insurance bills etc ), took part in the 2010 International Commercial Vouching Clerk Exam (currently only two people from the Construction Bank of China in Jiangxi province have obtained this certificate)

5 参加过行内国际业务的培训,认真学习行里下发的各种国际业务的培训资料和课程
took part in training in international business, learnt various study materials and courses provided by the bank

6 从事银行业后,着重加强金融英语与商务英语的学习,参加了2010年度金融英语证书考试
focused on the study of Financial and commercial English after joinging the bank industry, took part in the 2010 Financial English Examination

Improved my skills of communicating with the clients as the client manager; got along well with colleagues as a new member

专业课程 国际贸易实务,工商导论,高级英语,高级翻译,法语
speciality courses international commerce, Introduction to Business, higher level English, higher level translation, French

自我评价 开朗大方,善于沟通与表达(担任建行内部刊物《五月》的特约记者)
self-evaluation open,outgoing,good at communicating and expression (was a freelance correspondent for the intrenal circulation May)
应变能力强, (由于突发状况我在晚会开始的前十分钟被选为主持人,最后顺利完成主持工作)
flexible (was selected as the MC just ten minutes before a dinner party, did a good job)
enjoy sharing and team work (represented the bank and led the team during the English competition,built friendship with colleagues,had a memorable experience)
认真负责( 现负责建行XX支行业务部的档案整理与保管工作)
responsible (now in charge of the organisation and safeguarding of archive of Operations Office in the bank )





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