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被浏览: 0次 2023年07月27日 04:17

The earth moves round the sun ,and the moon moves round the earth .When our part (部分) of the earth turns to the sun ,it is day ,When our part of the earth turns away from the sun ,it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon .But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it's much nearer to the earth. The sun is very bright .It gives a very strong light .The moon looks quite bright, too .But it doesn't give any light at all. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars .But actually (事实上)the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon .They look smaller than the moon because they're much farther away from us.
( )1、____ moves round _____.
A、The earth ,the moon B.The moon ,the earth
C.The moon ,the stars D.The sun ,the earth
( )2、Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun ,because______.
A、it is much bigger than the sun B、it comes out only at night
C、it is much nearer to the earth than the sun
D、it doesn't give a very strong light
( )物宽3、The sun ______.
A、is very bright ,and it gives a very strong light
B、isn't bright ,but it gives a very strong light
C、is very big ,but it doesn't give any light at all
D、is very round ,but it can'纤散t move round
( )4、The stars ______.
A、look much bigger than the sun B、look much brighter than the moon
C、are a lot brighter than the moon ,but they are not bigger than the moon
D、are much farther away from us than the moon
( )5、When it is day,____ .
A、our part of the earth turns to (转到)the moon
B、the sun looks much smaller than the stars
C、we can't see any stars in the sky.
D、the moon turns away from the sun
1 B 2 C3 A4 D5 C
We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf.
It stood outside a furniture(家具)shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). I’ve always wanted one like that.”

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too.

As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake(超车)?”

Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two officers(警官)inside looked at us seriously when they went past. But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village church(教堂). One of the officers came to me.

“Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help now?”

I didn’t quite understand. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You’ve been very kind. I live just down the road.”

He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed. “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was--er, something else.”

My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood why the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a bookshelf, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.

1、From the story we know that _________.

A.the writer was poor and didn’t buy the bookshelf for his wife

B.the writer’s wife didn’t like the bookshelf at all

C.the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife

D.the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife

2、What made the writer think that carrying furniture was “a good idea”?

A.He could drive slowly and it was safe.

B.Other drivers would let him go first.

C.His wife could use a new bookshelf.

D.He could save a lot of money and time.

3、Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer?

A.Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf.

B.Because they didn’t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it.

C.Because they thought somebody in the writer’s family had died and he needed help.

D.Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.

4、Why did the writer’s wife begin to laugh?

A.Because now she knew what mistake the police had made.

B.Because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church.

C.Because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf.

D.Because the police had helped them a lot.

5、When did the officers begin to realize(意识到)they had made a mistake?

A.Before they arrived at the church.

B.Before they overtook(overtake的过去式)the writer’s car.

C.After one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church.

D.After the writer’s family left the church.

答案: 1、D 2、B 3、C 4、A 5、C
A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.
At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?"
"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "
"Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?"
"No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.
根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(10分)
60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( )
A. that he was going to visit her
B. when his train would leave
C. when his train would arrive
D. that he was now at the railway station
61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )
A. didn't have coins for the phone call
B. had no money to make the phone call
C. didn't have the local money
D. wanted to change money
62. The old soldier _________. ( )
A. was glad to help him
B. didn't know if he had coins
C. didn't want to help him
D. was angry
63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )
A. didn't know how to speak to him
B. didn't want to help him
C. didn't answer him correctly
D. was not friendly to him
64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )
A. clever B. stupid
C. polite D. friendly

December 25 is Christmas Day(圣诞节). Christmas is an important holiday in many countries. On Christmas Day, most families get together for a big dinner. They give presents to each other and visit friends. The Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas holiday. Most families buy trees. The families decorate(装饰) the tree together. Parents usually tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children. Of course, Father Christmas isn’t real. The parents of the children are really “Father Christmas”. They put the presents under the tree or into their children’s stocking(长统袜) after the children go to sleep.
( )41. When is Christmas Day? __________.
A. November 25 B. December 25 C. December 24 D. December 26
( )42. What do most families in America do on Christmas Day? __________.
A. They only have a big dinner together
B. They have a big dinner, exchange (交换) presents and visit friends
C. They just visit friends and exchange presents
D. They exchange presents only
( )43. Who is really “Father Christmas”? ___________.
A. Their parents B. Their father
C. Their mother D. Father Christmas
( )44. When Christmas Day is coming, the parents __________.
A. usually tell their children that Father Christmas isn’t real
B. tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the night and brings presents to good children
C.sometimes tell their children that Father Christmas comes during the day
D.often tell their children that Father Christmas gives presents to poor children
( )45. When did parents put the presents into their children’s stocking? __________.
A. Before the children go to sleep B. After the children go to sleep
C. December 26 D. At midnight of December 25
41. B 42. B 43. A. 44. B 45. B
No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began by making sounds like those made by animals. Perhaps he grunted(发出呼噜声)like a pig when he lifted something heavy. Perhaps he made sounds like those he heard all round him----water splashing(飞溅), bees humming(嗡嗡作响声), a stone falling to the ground. Somehow he learned to make words. As the centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.

People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. Each contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. Only a few thousand words are used in everyday life.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary bigger. Read as many books as you can. There are plenty of books written in easy language. Your dictionary is your most useful book.

1.What do we mean by language? [ ]

A.Sounds made by man.

B.All the words made by man.

C.Different kinds of sound.

D.The way man learns.

2.From the passage we know that long long ago ______. [ ]

A.no one learned how to make sounds or words

B.animals taught to learn the language

C.Man learned the language by lifting heavy things, falling to the ground, and so on

D.Man followed a lot of things in nature to make sounds and words

3.What is the number of language spoken in the world today? [ ]


B.5, 000

C.1, 500

D.15, 000

4.In which sentence can the word “contain (s)” be put so that it is a right one? [ ]

A.I ______several dictionary

B.Sea water______ salt.

C.A dog ______four legs

D.Mr Smith ______glasses on his nose

5.Which of the following is the best if we want to make our vocabulary larger? [ ]

A.To use the words in every day life

B.To read more books

C.To read easy books

D.To look up new words in the dictionary

