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In this paper, the concept and meaning from the self-defense, the general conditions of self-defense, the nature and characteristics of self-defense, the correct understanding and implementation of self-defense system. 正当防卫的构成必须具备下列条件:1. The composition of self-defense must have the following conditions: 1. 起因条件。 The causes of the conditions. 2. 2. 时间条件。皮唯手 Time conditions. 3. 3. 对象条件。 Their conditions. 4. 4. 主观条件。 Subjective conditions. 5. 5. 限度条件。 Limit conditions. 它在本质上是公民同违法犯罪行为作斗争的一种特殊形式,不具有违法性。 It is, in essence, is illegal and criminal acts of citizens with a special form of combat does not have the illegality. 关于特殊正当防卫的防卫权,是为鼓励公民见山嫌义勇为,有利于保护被害人的利益,有利于同犯罪行为作斗争,刑法第20条第3款规定:“对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。”根据这一规定,公民在受到正在进行的严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪侵害时,采取的任何防卫行为,都不能以防卫过当追究其刑事责任。 With regard to the special self-defense of the right to due process is to encourage citizens to courageous and help protect the interests of victims will help with the fight against crime, the Penal Code article 20, paragraph 3, provides: "For being the assailant, murder, robbery, rape , kidnappings and other serious violent crimes endangering personal safety, to take defensive actions, resulting in illegal infringement of casualties, not over-defense, not criminally responsible. "Under this provision, citizens are being seriously endangered the personal safety of against violent crime, and take any defensive actions are over-defense can not be held criminally responsible. 认定特殊正当防卫的必备的条件:一是防卫的范围,仅针对行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力行为;二是防卫的时间上,暴力行为正在进行,有些不法侵害在其全过程中的暴力程度可能有变化;三是对象上只能针对实施暴力的人,只能是不法侵害者本人燃嫌。 Identified the essential conditions for a special self-defense: First, the scope of defense, only for the attack, murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping and other serious acts of violence endangering personal safety; second defense of time, acts of violence in progress, Some illegal infringement in its level of violence throughout the process there may be changes; third is only object of violence against people, only against themselves illegal. 对于正当防卫所造成的损害,防卫人不承担刑事,民事责任,但是防卫超过必要限度,造成不应有损失的,应当承担刑事,民事责任。 For the damage caused by self-defense, defense, people do not incur criminal, civil liability, but the defense more than the necessary limits, resulting in the loss should not have, and shall bear the criminal, civil liability.
关键词:正当防卫; 防卫过当; 成立条件; 特殊防卫; Key words: self-defense; over-defense; the establishment of conditions; special defense;


In this paper, the concept and meaning from the self-defense, the general conditions of self-defense, the nature and characteristics of self-defense, the correct understanding and implementation of self-defense system. 正当防卫的构成必须具备下列条件:1. The composition of self-defense must have the following conditions: 1. 起因条件。 The causes of the conditions. 2. 2. 时间条件。皮唯手 Time conditions. 3. 3. 对象条件。 Their conditions. 4. 4. 主观条件。 Subjective conditions. 5. 5. 限度条件。 Limit conditions. 它在本质上是公民同违法犯罪行为作斗争的一种特殊形式,不具有违法性。 It is, in essence, is illegal and criminal acts of citizens with a special form of combat does not have the illegality. 关于特殊正当防卫的防卫权,是为鼓励公民见山嫌义勇为,有利于保护被害人的利益,有利于同犯罪行为作斗争,刑法第20条第3款规定:“对正在进行行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪,采取防卫行为,造成不法侵害人伤亡,不属于防卫过当,不负刑事责任。”根据这一规定,公民在受到正在进行的严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪侵害时,采取的任何防卫行为,都不能以防卫过当追究其刑事责任。 With regard to the special self-defense of the right to due process is to encourage citizens to courageous and help protect the interests of victims will help with the fight against crime, the Penal Code article 20, paragraph 3, provides: "For being the assailant, murder, robbery, rape , kidnappings and other serious violent crimes endangering personal safety, to take defensive actions, resulting in illegal infringement of casualties, not over-defense, not criminally responsible. "Under this provision, citizens are being seriously endangered the personal safety of against violent crime, and take any defensive actions are over-defense can not be held criminally responsible. 认定特殊正当防卫的必备的条件:一是防卫的范围,仅针对行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力行为;二是防卫的时间上,暴力行为正在进行,有些不法侵害在其全过程中的暴力程度可能有变化;三是对象上只能针对实施暴力的人,只能是不法侵害者本人燃嫌。认定特殊正当防卫的必备的条件:一是防卫的范围,仅针对行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力行为;二是防卫的时间上,暴力行为正在进行, Some illegal infringement in its level of violence throughout the process there may be changes; third is only object of violence against people, only against themselves illegal. 对于正当防卫所造成的损害,防卫人不承担刑事,民事责任,但是防卫超过必要限度,造成不应有损失的,应当承担刑事,民事责任。 For the damage caused by self-defense, defense, people do not incur criminal, civil liability, but the defense more than the necessary limits, resulting in the loss should not have, and shall bear the criminal, civil liability.
关键词:正当防卫; 防卫过当; 成立条件; 特殊防卫; Keywords: Legitimate Defense; over-defense; the establishment of conditions; special defense;


This article mainly from the concept and meaning of justifiable defense, the general conditions of justifiable defense of justifiable defense, essence and characteristics, the correct understanding and implementing justifiable defence system. Justifiable defense constitutes must have following requirement: 1.the cause conditions. 2 the condition. 3 object conditions. 4 the subjective conditions. 5. Limit. It is essentially a citizen with illegal crime as a special form of struggle, do not have illegality. About special defense right of self-defense, is to encourage citizens to protect the victim's main interest, to fight with crime, criminal law under paragraph 3 of article 20: "for an on-going assault, murder, robbery, rape, kidnap and other seriously endangers his personal safety, the crime of violence and cause perpetrator, it is not undue defence, and he shall not bear criminal responsibility. According to the regulation, citizens in the ongoing was seriously endangers the personal safety of violent crime violations, take any defense, cannot with undue defence shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility. That special justifiable defence of necessary conditions: one is the defense, only an on-going assault, murder, robbery, rape, kidnap and other seriously endangers the personal safety of violence, 2 at the time of the defence, violence, and some are in the process of unlawful infringement could have change, violence, Three is the only object of violence against people, who can only be unlawful infringement. For the damage caused by justifiable defence, defence not bear criminal, civil liability, but more than necessary defense should not limit, causing the loss, shall bear civil liability, the criminal.
Keywords: justifiable defence, Undue defence, The condition, Special defense,
